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2013-04-06 03:37Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting next Thursday
2013-04-04 21:25Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] bright reverb
2013-04-04 16:51Enrico Francioni [Csnd] pitch contour
2013-04-04 16:48Edward Costello [Csnd] Problem reading a PVS buffer from different instrument instances
2013-04-04 16:29"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Alba - new music from AVSynthesis and Ardour3
2013-04-03 23:53Dave Phillips [Csnd] Alba - new music from AVSynthesis and Ardour3
2013-04-03 21:36George Grella [Csnd] help with basic path issue
2013-04-03 21:14Jan Jacob Hofmann [Csnd] Set of Ambisonic decoders for Csound got recently updated
2013-04-03 11:50peiman khosravi [Csnd] SC3 and patterns
2013-04-02 04:26Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Python Score + CsBeats
2013-04-01 20:51Enrico Francioni [Csnd] an alternative code
2013-04-01 20:26Stefan Thomas [Csnd] overlapping sections, how to
2013-04-01 09:46Rory Walsh [Csnd] dynamic arrays?
2013-04-01 01:07jpff [Csnd] Admintrivia
2013-03-30 19:30Zilatili [Csnd] OSCsend trigger from partikkel internal clock
2013-03-29 15:24Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: The New York Csound Users Group Meeting Rescheduled
2013-03-28 11:39Enrico Francioni [Csnd] by pvoc to pvs
2013-03-28 11:20Rory Walsh [Csnd] interleaved audio..
2013-03-28 10:52peiman khosravi [Csnd] CsoundQt crashes again
2013-03-28 10:15peiman khosravi [Csnd] CsoundQT configuration question
2013-03-27 21:12joachim heintz [Csnd] good cs6 array news
2013-03-27 01:33Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] is this recognisable csound?
2013-03-26 12:40Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] tvar init - crash when instrument is called many times
2013-03-25 22:22Ben Hackbarth [Csnd] pvs fftsize vs winsize questions
2013-03-25 11:06Rory Walsh [Csnd] MIDI input after recompiling an instance of Csound...
2013-03-24 08:11Stefan Thomas [Csnd] accelerando
2013-03-23 23:19Rory Walsh [Csnd] Cabbage patcher demo...
2013-03-23 14:56Stefan Thomas [Csnd] file doesn't run in csoundqt
2013-03-22 09:52Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] DAFX13 - deadline extension: Sunday 14/04
2013-03-22 09:15Stefan Thomas [Csnd] trying to define triplets
2013-03-22 06:25Enrico Francioni [Csnd] filelen_and_mp3
2013-03-21 21:40Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] DAFX13 - deadline extension.
2013-03-21 18:35Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Trying to Access the CsoundAC Tutorial
2013-03-20 23:51Steven Yi [Csnd] [ANN] - Blue 2.4.1
2013-03-20 20:20Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound for iOS -
2013-03-20 18:30Roger Kelly [Csnd] Bug with fink?
2013-03-20 17:46francesco [Csnd] OT a new little experiment on rhythm
2013-03-20 16:55aaB [Csnd] saving csound's log to a text file
2013-03-20 16:35Cacophony7 [Csnd] OT I've been tolerating this for some time now. Toolbars don't work
2013-03-19 20:33Jacques Leplat Re: [Csnd] csound on iOS
2013-03-19 19:50Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Csound and Python: What Exists and Would Csounders Like to Exist?
2013-03-19 17:55Dolfo91 [Csnd] Issue with Graph widget on CsoundQT v. 0.6.0
2013-03-19 17:51joachim heintz [Csnd] csound on iOS
2013-03-19 11:32Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] copy2ttab and copy2ftab
2013-03-18 23:25"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] More Magnificats
2013-03-18 19:38Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Getting Python Score up and running on Windows
2013-03-18 11:39Roger Kelly [Csnd] Arrays of 'k'
2013-03-18 09:36Anthony Kozar [Csnd] OT: Parallella, a Supercomputer for Csound ?
2013-03-18 06:49joachim heintz [Csnd] join us for working on the next release of the csound floss manual
2013-03-17 22:38Phil Thomson [Csnd] Trouble compiling on CRUX (Linux, x86_64)