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2013-01-11 20:39Louis Cohen Re: [Csnd] 'in' and 'ksmps' question
2013-01-11 16:41peiman khosravi [Csnd] 'in' and 'ksmps' question
2013-01-10 19:12"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Fw: Android Csound App with Ogg?
2013-01-10 17:22"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Fw: Android Csound App with Ogg?
2013-01-10 14:36Steven Yi [Csnd] Google+ Csound Community
2013-01-10 14:16Shawn56 [Csnd] Raspberry pi Alternative
2013-01-10 11:47michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Csnd] static link to Csound lib MSVC..
2013-01-10 11:38michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Csnd] static link to Csound lib MSVC..
2013-01-10 09:16Rory Walsh [Csnd] static link to Csound lib MSVC..
2013-01-09 02:28Alex Weiss [Csnd] Csound preprocessor
2013-01-07 21:51Stefan Thomas [Csnd] new piece with csound
2013-01-07 19:04"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-07 17:04"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-07 00:47"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Fw: Android Csound App with Ogg?
2013-01-07 00:30"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-07 00:25"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-06 23:10Roger Kelly [Csnd] Basic Cabbage question
2013-01-06 20:15"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-06 19:50Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] fsig1=fsig2
2013-01-06 19:46"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-06 01:41"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
2013-01-05 23:24"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Android Csound App with Ogg?
2013-01-05 19:58menno [Csnd] athenaCL in Csound
2013-01-05 15:55Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] many OSCinits
2013-01-05 13:24jakopinorama [Csnd] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
2013-01-05 13:24jakopinorama [Csnd] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
2013-01-04 22:31Brad Garton [Csnd] New Sound Arts MFA Program @ Columbia University
2013-01-04 15:57Anders Genell [Csnd] filter2
2013-01-04 14:25Stéphane_Boussuge[Csnd] cabbage and AU
2013-01-04 13:13Rory Walsh [Csnd] SetYieldCallback not available in java interface?
2013-01-04 02:30Tobiah [Csnd] Tricky audio capture problem
2013-01-03 12:07"francioni61021@libero.it" [Csnd] R: news
2013-01-02 19:04Rory Walsh [Csnd] [ANNOUNCE] Csoundo 0.2
2013-01-02 14:53"vallste@libero.it" [Csnd] unwanted triggering with metro and table of times
2013-01-02 14:23Andreas Bergsland [Csnd] Csound table viewer
2013-01-02 13:00John Colgrove [Csnd] No audio playback from simple csound book example
2013-01-01 21:31joachim heintz [Csnd] open suse csound: OSC opcodes
2013-01-01 17:04Stefan Thomas [Csnd] midi messages I don't understand
2013-01-01 13:11john ffitch Re: [Csnd] CsoundQT multicore, threads, and new parser options question
2013-01-01 01:07jpff [Csnd] Admintrivia
2012-12-31 13:42Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting this Thursday evening
2012-12-30 21:04John Colgrove [Csnd] CsoundQT multicore, threads, and new parser options question
2012-12-30 20:22Dave Seidel [Csnd] Old/new piece: Transpiration
2012-12-28 07:44Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] noise or "tone"
2012-12-28 04:55William Wignall [Csnd] Midi Notes Out in Real Time
2012-12-27 18:33john ffitch [Csnd] loopseg/loopxseg/looptseg
2012-12-25 00:49pj@pjb.com.auRe: [Csnd] terminating at end of wav file
2012-12-24 09:09francesco [Csnd] csound output message
2012-12-24 08:47René Jopi[Csnd] Channel opcodes
2012-12-24 00:10pj@pjb.com.auRe: [Csnd] terminating at end of wav file