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Re: [Csnd] exprand and random pitches

Date2013-02-08 22:06
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] exprand and random pitches
Rnd31 (probably my favorite random generator) can come up with all kinds of 
random distribution.

It can likely be adapted to your needs.

Art Hunkins
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven Yi" 
To: "Csound" 
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] exprand and random pitches

> Another possibility might be to use the uniform distribution and then
> map it to a logarithmic curve (could try using the logcurve opcode).
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Rory Walsh  wrote:
>> Can you use MIDI notes and convert them to frequency. This way you can
>> stay in a linear scale, but have the appropriate exponential output.
>> The midicps udo here should work ok I think?
>> http://www.csounds.com/udo/displayOpcode.php?opcode_id=64
>> On 8 February 2013 21:23, Alex Weiss  wrote:
>>> Hi list
>>> For an instrument of mine, I need to pick random frequencies between 
>>> 20Hz
>>> and 20kHz. Because we perceive pitch logarithmically, a uniform 
>>> distribution
>>> won't work as it will be biased towards higher pitches. My limited
>>> mathematical knowledge leads me to believe that an exponential 
>>> distribution
>>> should fit the bill (correct me if I'm wrong). But this is where my
>>> mathematical knowledge ends; should i adjust the klambda parameter in
>>> exprand empirically, or is there a mathematically sound value that would
>>> make sense in this context?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
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