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2013-06-30 17:50Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound 6: Array Specifiers for Opcodes
2013-06-30 10:12Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] Script for creating UIs with QtDesigner
2013-06-29 21:19Michael Gogins [Csnd] Csound 6 for Android Status
2013-06-29 12:33peiman khosravi [Csnd] OT: July 1 || Andrew Lewis at the Royal Academy of Music || London
2013-06-29 10:44Dave Phillips [Csnd] [OT] Java display problem with Cs6 and AVSynthesis
2013-06-28 20:59"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Csound6.apk rc04 & CSound6 android git build error
2013-06-28 18:25jkeary [Csnd] Dynamically/Actively Panning Midi Notes
2013-06-28 16:49Marc Demers [Csnd] File corrupted
2013-06-28 16:43Shawnn O'rourke [Csnd] Does madsr work with filters?
2013-06-28 12:59john ffitch [Csnd] Rory's parse problem
2013-06-27 03:11Michael Gogins [Csnd] Silencio redux
2013-06-26 16:42hcenteno [Csnd] Csound6 on Android and multiple strings in score
2013-06-26 09:42Rory Walsh [Csnd] csound6, problem with parentheses..
2013-06-25 19:02Rory Walsh [Csnd] csound6 question...
2013-06-25 14:05Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] csound6 jack command line options
2013-06-25 12:51lppier [Csnd] Voice stealing mechanism turnoff2 question
2013-06-25 12:19Bernt Isak Wærstad[Csnd] Run csd's as modules/plugins in Csound
2013-06-24 19:55Christopher Saunders [Csnd] iOS 7 and Csound iOS SDK
2013-06-24 12:21peiman khosravi [Csnd] OT: partikkel texture
2013-06-24 05:42lppier [Csnd] Optimization of instruments
2013-06-23 14:46john ffitch Re: [Csnd] Two questions
2013-06-21 21:36Michael Gogins [Csnd] Examples for Csound6 app
2013-06-21 04:16hcenteno [Csnd] Csound6 RC3 Android - sending values from Csound error
2013-06-21 02:01Michael Gogins [Csnd] New Csound6 app for Android
2013-06-20 13:47tossel@gmail.com[Csnd] Two questions
2013-06-20 05:39DavidWorrall [Csnd] install versions and compatibilities
2013-06-20 05:39DavidWorrall [Csnd] removing csound(s)
2013-06-18 22:24Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] csnd6 python api inside CsoundQt
2013-06-17 21:36Rory Walsh [Csnd] [off-topic] bolsa bass...
2013-06-17 20:51Dave Seidel [Csnd] Early announcement of CD release
2013-06-17 15:55luis jure [Csnd] csound6: small problem compiling
2013-06-17 13:56Jacques Leplat Re: [Csnd] Is anyone using cs6...
2013-06-17 12:26peiman khosravi cousnd6 and Maxmsp Csound~ -was Re: [Csnd] Is anyone using cs6...]
2013-06-17 12:21jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Csnd] Is anyone using cs6...
2013-06-15 20:30"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [off-topic] OWL programmable fx board...
2013-06-15 19:44"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [off-topic] OWL programmable fx board...
2013-06-15 12:55Rory Walsh [Csnd] [off-topic] OWL programmable fx board...
2013-06-15 10:54peiman khosravi [Csnd] serious synthing
2013-06-15 00:44hcenteno [Csnd] Sending strings in Android app
2013-06-14 21:46zappfinger [Csnd] import csnd6: no current thread (was: .. wrong architecture)
2013-06-14 21:17zappfinger [Csnd] unknown rtaudio module: 'PortAudio', using dummy module
2013-06-14 20:09francesco [Csnd] csound6 stk and wiimote
2013-06-13 18:03Jason Timm [Csnd] zak in 6.00rc3
2013-06-13 03:16Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound for Android SDK rc3
2013-06-13 02:47Michael Gogins [Csnd] Csound6 for Android updated
2013-06-12 18:43zappfinger [Csnd] _csnd6.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
2013-06-12 02:43Michael Gogins [Csnd] Csound6 for Android rc3
2013-06-11 21:46Matti Koskinen [Csnd] fractal + csound. A really old piece from 1998
2013-06-11 17:20jpff [Csnd] csound6.00 rc3 is out
2013-06-11 10:18Jan Jacob Hofmann [Csnd] Re: Different output on table-read out in respect to kr