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[Csnd] nano editor csound highlighting

Date2013-07-29 21:39
FromAnders Genell
Subject[Csnd] nano editor csound highlighting
Dear Csounders!

For those that might have use for it, please feel free to try out my csound syntax highlighting settings file for the nano editor. You can (hopefully) download it here:

This is for the Csound 5.17 version that comes with Ubuntu 12.04, so it's not tested with Csound 6 and might miss some opcodes and arrays etc. Also, there might be some other stuff such as certain operators etc that are not caught. 

I just used a simple awk-command on the output from csound -z to create the opcode definitions, so those are easily updated, and to get array variables to play nicely it should just be to do some relatively simple updates to the regexp matchings for variable names. Feel free to hack it as you like. 
