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[Csnd] CsoundQt released for Windows

Date2013-08-03 21:22
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] CsoundQt released for Windows
AttachmentsNone  None  
I have updated the Windows installer for Csound 6.00 on SourceForge with a new configuration of CsoundQt, which now installs and runs on my non-development computer. This version of CsoundQt does not include PythonQt support.

Download from: 

The problems with CsoundQt included my not reading the Qt SDK documentation carefully enough to notice that there are "plugins" used by Qt that have to be installed in specific locations.

This release was built with the mingw-builds MinGW 4.8.1 compiler with dwarf2 exception handling, Posix threads, for 32 bit nocona or later architecture. The Qt 5.1.0 libraries that I used were rebuilt with this toolchain.

Other changes:

All third party packages have been updated and rebuilt with the same toolchain.

The PortAudio interface is new but now lacks the WASAPI and WDMKS drivers, apparently because of changes, not sure if in MinGW headers or in PortAudio. The interface does have Windows MM, DirectSound, and ASIO drivers.

Csound sources have been updated from head today.

Python examples have been updated to import csnd6.

Please let me know your problems, comments, and suggestions.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

Date2013-08-04 05:04
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
The new installer doesn't work in my Win7 64-bit system. There seem to be at
least two problems.

First, I have to disable the dropbox app process, using Task Manager. That's

Second, The installer reports as follows:

C:\Csound6\bin\libportaudio-2.dll -- An error occurred while trying to
rename a file in the destination directory; MoveFile failed; code 2. The
system cannot find the file specified.

I get an Abort/Retry/Ignore dialog when this happens, but Retry doesn't

At the same time this is occurring, the Avast antivirus program pops up an
alert telling me that C:\Csound6\bin\is-51M6J.tmp is suspicious.

I have no idea what all this means. I'll try disabling Avast and give it
another shot. I'll also try uninstalling the previous Csound6 (attempted)
install before continuing.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726308.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-04 05:27
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
By disabling Avast Antivirus temporarily, I can get the installer to run
successfully. I then switch Avast back on -- and it won't let me run
CsoundQt. It thinks CsoundQt is malware, and it moves the .exe off to the
Avast chest folder, where suspicious stuff is quarantined.

I can see two possibilities here. The most likely is that Avast is just
being a little too protective because it's only set up to deal with
commercial software. Less likely but possible is that the build has a virus.

There may be other possibilities, or easy fixes. I'm a little reluctant to
disable Avast every time I want to use CsoundQt, however. That doesn't sound
very hygienic.

Are there other things you'd like me to test?

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726309.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-04 06:48
Fromandy fillebrown
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
Hi Michael,

Thanks for all the effort you've put into this build.  I know from personal experience how difficult porting to Windows can be.  It installed fine for me no Win7 x64 but there appears to be a file in Csound6/bin called "BLue_Leaves_5a_2.exe" that does not seem particularly useful and may have been included in the installer accidentally.

CsoundQt seems stable.  The only difference I've run into so far is I get buffer underruns when starting the Additive Synth example.  They go away soon after the example starts, but then moving the "Base Freq." knob makes the underruns occur again.  The other widget items in the example don't cause underruns.  Only the "Base Freq." knob.

~ andy.f

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Jim Aikin <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
By disabling Avast Antivirus temporarily, I can get the installer to run
successfully. I then switch Avast back on -- and it won't let me run
CsoundQt. It thinks CsoundQt is malware, and it moves the .exe off to the
Avast chest folder, where suspicious stuff is quarantined.

I can see two possibilities here. The most likely is that Avast is just
being a little too protective because it's only set up to deal with
commercial software. Less likely but possible is that the build has a virus.

There may be other possibilities, or easy fixes. I'm a little reluctant to
disable Avast every time I want to use CsoundQt, however. That doesn't sound
very hygienic.

Are there other things you'd like me to test?

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726309.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2013-08-04 13:48
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
Thanks for the info. The Blue Leaves file is a piece of mine that got into the installer accidentally. I will remove it and replace the installer.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 1:48 AM, andy fillebrown <andy.fillebrown@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Michael,

Thanks for all the effort you've put into this build.  I know from personal experience how difficult porting to Windows can be.  It installed fine for me no Win7 x64 but there appears to be a file in Csound6/bin called "BLue_Leaves_5a_2.exe" that does not seem particularly useful and may have been included in the installer accidentally.

CsoundQt seems stable.  The only difference I've run into so far is I get buffer underruns when starting the Additive Synth example.  They go away soon after the example starts, but then moving the "Base Freq." knob makes the underruns occur again.  The other widget items in the example don't cause underruns.  Only the "Base Freq." knob.

~ andy.f

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Jim Aikin <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
By disabling Avast Antivirus temporarily, I can get the installer to run
successfully. I then switch Avast back on -- and it won't let me run
CsoundQt. It thinks CsoundQt is malware, and it moves the .exe off to the
Avast chest folder, where suspicious stuff is quarantined.

I can see two possibilities here. The most likely is that Avast is just
being a little too protective because it's only set up to deal with
commercial software. Less likely but possible is that the build has a virus.

There may be other possibilities, or easy fixes. I'm a little reluctant to
disable Avast every time I want to use CsoundQt, however. That doesn't sound
very hygienic.

Are there other things you'd like me to test?

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726309.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2013-08-04 17:45
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
Latest results:

1) I did manage to arm-wrestle Avast Antivirus into allowing both CsoundQt
and libportaudio-2.dll to run. If anyone needs instructions on how to do
this, let me know.

2) In the Configuration box, Run tab, the only RT Audio Modules available in
the drop-down are pa_bl and pa_cb. I have no idea what either of those is
... but nothing that's actually in my system (such as, for instance,
asio4all) is available in this menu.

3) When I tried running a brief music file, CsoundQt crashed.

4) I restarted and loaded the "Hello World" example. This ran without
crashing, but it failed to output any audio. It didn't even try. After I
edited the score so that the note lasted for 10 seconds rather than 1
second, the "performance" still ended after 0.083 seconds.

5) The manual pane still shows 5.19, not 6.00, apparently because the
Configuration is not updated to reflect the new installation. (Presumably a
trivial issue.)

6) I can't seem to tell what version of Csound is actually running, because
the output console text no longer displays this information. It used to.

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Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-04 18:28
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
The pa_bl and pa_cb modules are internal to CsoundQt and do not reflect Windows names for interfaces. The name used is, I admit, misleading.

If you run Csound using CsoundQt's "Terminal" button, you should be able to see the version information.

Hope this helps,

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Jim Aikin <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Latest results:

1) I did manage to arm-wrestle Avast Antivirus into allowing both CsoundQt
and libportaudio-2.dll to run. If anyone needs instructions on how to do
this, let me know.

2) In the Configuration box, Run tab, the only RT Audio Modules available in
the drop-down are pa_bl and pa_cb. I have no idea what either of those is
... but nothing that's actually in my system (such as, for instance,
asio4all) is available in this menu.

3) When I tried running a brief music file, CsoundQt crashed.

4) I restarted and loaded the "Hello World" example. This ran without
crashing, but it failed to output any audio. It didn't even try. After I
edited the score so that the note lasted for 10 seconds rather than 1
second, the "performance" still ended after 0.083 seconds.

5) The manual pane still shows 5.19, not 6.00, apparently because the
Configuration is not updated to reflect the new installation. (Presumably a
trivial issue.)

6) I can't seem to tell what version of Csound is actually running, because
the output console text no longer displays this information. It used to.

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Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2013-08-04 19:23
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
> If you run Csound using CsoundQt's "Terminal" button, you should be able to
see the
> version information.

Hmm. Turns out 0.8.0 is running 5.19, not 6.00. Admittedly, I still have
5.19 installed on my system (in C:\Csound), alongside the new installation
(which is in C:\Csound6). Perhaps naively, it doesn't strike me that there
is anything unusual about keeping two versions side by side ... indeed,
given the nature of Csound updates, that would often seem to be a highly
desirable state of affairs.

And yet, the installer for 6.0/0.8.0 does not seem correctly to direct 0.8.0
to run 6.0. For one thing, the preferences in Configuration for OPCODEDIR,
OPCODEDIR64, and OPCODE6DIR64 are blank.

Quite possibly, I can fill in one or more of these fields somehow and get
0.8.0 to run 6.0. But I feel the installer ought to do that. And I don't
even know whether that will cause 6.0 to be invoked.

The question of how to get audio output also remains, at this point,
unresolved. I wouldn't even try to guess whether that will be solved by
giving the program an opcode directory.

I hope I'm not sounding grumpy -- I'm just trying to provide clear
information. I really do appreciate the hard work you're doing, Michael. I'm
just a little frustrated because I don't know how to fix these problems.

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Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-05 04:59
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
Seems like my computer can't download it. Maybey I have to fix my internet. I
have to live in that sober house for like 1 more month.

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Date2013-08-05 05:49
FromAndres Cabrera
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows

Thanks for the feedback. You will find the version of csound to which CsoundQt is linked in the About page (I think it is on the help menu on Windows). The Csound being called in the terminal is likely still 5.19. You can change this if you need in the preferences panel (there's a field for the csound executable).


On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Jim Aikin <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> If you run Csound using CsoundQt's "Terminal" button, you should be able to
see the
> version information.

Hmm. Turns out 0.8.0 is running 5.19, not 6.00. Admittedly, I still have
5.19 installed on my system (in C:\Csound), alongside the new installation
(which is in C:\Csound6). Perhaps naively, it doesn't strike me that there
is anything unusual about keeping two versions side by side ... indeed,
given the nature of Csound updates, that would often seem to be a highly
desirable state of affairs.

And yet, the installer for 6.0/0.8.0 does not seem correctly to direct 0.8.0
to run 6.0. For one thing, the preferences in Configuration for OPCODEDIR,
OPCODEDIR64, and OPCODE6DIR64 are blank.

Quite possibly, I can fill in one or more of these fields somehow and get
0.8.0 to run 6.0. But I feel the installer ought to do that. And I don't
even know whether that will cause 6.0 to be invoked.

The question of how to get audio output also remains, at this point,
unresolved. I wouldn't even try to guess whether that will be solved by
giving the program an opcode directory.

I hope I'm not sounding grumpy -- I'm just trying to provide clear
information. I really do appreciate the hard work you're doing, Michael. I'm
just a little frustrated because I don't know how to fix these problems.

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Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2013-08-05 07:14
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
> Thanks for the feedback. You will find the version of csound to which
CsoundQt is
> linked in the About page (I think it is on the help menu on Windows). The
> Csound
> being called in the terminal is likely still 5.19. You can change this if
> you need in
< the preferences panel (there's a field for the csound executable).

The About box refers to Csound 6000 doubles version.

There isn't a preferences panel. I think you mean the Environment tab in the
Configuration box. The field for Csound Executable simply said "csound",
which I would expect (perhaps naively) would default to the same directory
as CsoundQt.exe, since there's no path given in that field. But when I click
the ... button and direct it specifically to csound.exe in the csound6\bin
directory, I still get no audio output.

Just now, after setting it to the correct Csound executable, I attempted to
run "Trapped in Convert" from the Examples menu. CsoundQt doesn't crash, but
the Output Console remains empty, and no audio is sent to my hardware D/A
box. When I click the Stop button, _then_ I see the accumulated output in
the Output Console with a bunch of events and new allocs.

When I select pa_bl as the RT Audio Module, the menu under output device
lets me select ASIO4ALL -- but I get no audio output when I do that. The
success route turns out to be to select the M-Audio Firewire 410 ASIO
directly as the output device. That works -- finally!

I think we have success. Thanks for your patience. I'll keep plugging away
at it. I may have more detailed results to report tomorrow.

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Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-05 07:57
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
A couple of issues to report on the Windows side, and then I'll call it a

For many or most .csd's, the Output Console remains blank until after the
file is stopped using the Stop button. Clicking Stop causes the accumulated
text to be dumped to the Console. Curiously, the "Hello World" example
_does_ print to the Console immediately, even when I comment out the print
statement. (I've lengthened the single note in this example to observe its

When a piece finishes playing, the Run button remains lighted -- no
automatic Stop occurs. If I click the Stop button _after_ the piece is
finished, I still get no text in the Output Console. It remains blank.

With the Simple_Subtractive.csd example, as few as two notes on the MIDI
keyboard produce massive buffer under-runs, even with fairly large settings
(on the order of 4096) for -b and -B. Since I'm using an ASIO driver on a
reasonably fast computer (one that can easily play complex polyphonic
multitrack performances on a commercial DAW), this would tend to suggest
that the Configuration needs to be tweaked somehow ... but I'm not sure how.
Suggestions welcome.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726338.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-05 09:24
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
The console bug is something we have observed in OSX too.
Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform better.
Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare? 
You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it too much
CPU unexpectedly.

On 5 Aug 2013, at 07:57, Jim Aikin wrote:

> A couple of issues to report on the Windows side, and then I'll call it a
> night.
> For many or most .csd's, the Output Console remains blank until after the
> file is stopped using the Stop button. Clicking Stop causes the accumulated
> text to be dumped to the Console. Curiously, the "Hello World" example
> _does_ print to the Console immediately, even when I comment out the print
> statement. (I've lengthened the single note in this example to observe its
> behavior.)
> When a piece finishes playing, the Run button remains lighted -- no
> automatic Stop occurs. If I click the Stop button _after_ the piece is
> finished, I still get no text in the Output Console. It remains blank.
> With the Simple_Subtractive.csd example, as few as two notes on the MIDI
> keyboard produce massive buffer under-runs, even with fairly large settings
> (on the order of 4096) for -b and -B. Since I'm using an ASIO driver on a
> reasonably fast computer (one that can easily play complex polyphonic
> multitrack performances on a commercial DAW), this would tend to suggest
> that the Configuration needs to be tweaked somehow ... but I'm not sure how.
> Suggestions welcome.
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726338.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
> csound6:
>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/tickets/
> csound5:
>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/bugs/
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie

Date2013-08-05 17:51
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
> Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform
> better.

It's just as bad. The main difference is that the console doesn't _report_
underruns. But they're still plainly audible -- several dropouts per second.

> Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare?

Using the Simple_Subtractive example .csd, I tried that. There seems to be
no way to shut the console off when this is happening -- even Task Manager
couldn't do it, so I had to Restart the machine. More to the point, I get no
output with this .csd when running in the Command Prompt -- it reports
"InputChannelCallback not set."

> You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it
> too much
> CPU unexpectedly. 

I don't know what to expect, so I don't know what would qualify as
unexpectedly. According to the meters in Task Manager, when Csound is not
running the CPU usage is essentially zero. Attempting to play a five-note
chord with Simple_Subtractive boosts the total CPU usage to around 30%. This
is obviously very high. The sounding instr has one oscillator and one
filter, and a second instr is just waiting for MIDI notes to arrive. By way
of comparison, I launched Reason, instantiated a Thor synth, and played some
five-note chords. Reason's background processes average about 5% CPU usage,
and the Thor chords (three oscillators, two filters [one of them mono, the
other poly], two LFOs, delay, and chorus) boosted the CPU to between 10% and
12%, max.

Reason is known for being very efficient with CPU usage ... but on the other
hand, I've been told by people who know more than me that Csound is also
very efficient. My guess is that 30% for five ultra-simple notes is way out
of line, that something unfortunate is going on. I would have no way of
guessing what it might be.

But in any event, that has nothing to do with the buffer underruns, because
30% CPU usage should not cause buffer underruns. Possibly Csound 6 is not
compatible with ASIO? There's a random guess.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726352.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-05 17:58
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows

Csound 6 has ASIO. Can you email me your CSD file?

Regards, Mike

On Aug 5, 2013 12:52 PM, "Jim Aikin" <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform
> better.

It's just as bad. The main difference is that the console doesn't _report_
underruns. But they're still plainly audible -- several dropouts per second.

> Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare?

Using the Simple_Subtractive example .csd, I tried that. There seems to be
no way to shut the console off when this is happening -- even Task Manager
couldn't do it, so I had to Restart the machine. More to the point, I get no
output with this .csd when running in the Command Prompt -- it reports
"InputChannelCallback not set."

> You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it
> too much
> CPU unexpectedly.

I don't know what to expect, so I don't know what would qualify as
unexpectedly. According to the meters in Task Manager, when Csound is not
running the CPU usage is essentially zero. Attempting to play a five-note
chord with Simple_Subtractive boosts the total CPU usage to around 30%. This
is obviously very high. The sounding instr has one oscillator and one
filter, and a second instr is just waiting for MIDI notes to arrive. By way
of comparison, I launched Reason, instantiated a Thor synth, and played some
five-note chords. Reason's background processes average about 5% CPU usage,
and the Thor chords (three oscillators, two filters [one of them mono, the
other poly], two LFOs, delay, and chorus) boosted the CPU to between 10% and
12%, max.

Reason is known for being very efficient with CPU usage ... but on the other
hand, I've been told by people who know more than me that Csound is also
very efficient. My guess is that 30% for five ultra-simple notes is way out
of line, that something unfortunate is going on. I would have no way of
guessing what it might be.

But in any event, that has nothing to do with the buffer underruns, because
30% CPU usage should not cause buffer underruns. Possibly Csound 6 is not
compatible with ASIO? There's a random guess.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726352.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2013-08-05 19:36
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
> Csound 6 has ASIO. Can you email me your CSD file? 

It's in the Examples > Synths directory within CsoundQt. I would tend to
assume that the files there are included in the installer, so you should
have them ... though oddly enough, I don't see them anywhere on my hard
drive. Nonetheless, on the off-chance that you don't have it, here it is:

--midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity=5

sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

; Make sure CsOptions are not ignored in the preferences,
; Otherwise Realtime MIDI input will not work.

giatttimemax = 2
gidectimemax = 2
gireltimemax = 4

instr 1  ;Subtractive synth
kosctype invalue "osctype"

kftype invalue "ftype"
kffreq invalue "ffreq"
kffreq portk kffreq, 0.02 ;smooth signal
kfres invalue "fres"
kfres portk kfres, 0.02 ;smooth signal
kfatt invalue "fatt"
kfdec invalue "fdec"
kfsus invalue "fsus"
kfrel invalue "frel"
kfenvamt invalue "fenvamt"

kaatt invalue "aatt"
kadec invalue "adec"
kasus invalue "asus"
karel invalue "arel"

klvl invalue "lvl"

ifreq = p4  ;in cps
iamp = (p5/127) ;MIDI velocity to linear amp

itype = i(kosctype)

if (itype == 0) then
	aosc oscil iamp, ifreq, 1
elseif (itype == 1) then
	aosc oscil iamp, ifreq, 2
elseif (itype == 2) then
	aosc vco2 iamp, ifreq
elseif (itype == 3) then
	aosc vco2 iamp, ifreq, 2, 0.5

kfenv madsr giatttimemax*i(kfatt), gidectimemax*i(kfdec), i(kfsus),
kfenv = (kfenv*kfenvamt) + 1

if (kftype == 0) then
	aosc moogladder aosc, kffreq*kfenv, kfres
elseif (kftype == 1) then
	aosc moogvcf2 aosc, kffreq*kfenv, kfres
elseif (kftype == 2) then
	aosc rezzy aosc, kffreq*kfenv, kfres*100
elseif (kftype == 3) then
	aosc lowresx aosc, kffreq*kfenv, kfres/3

aenv madsr giatttimemax*i(kaatt), gidectimemax*i(kadec), i(kasus),

outs aosc*aenv*klvl, aosc*aenv*klvl

instr 98 ; Play note
	koscfreq invalue "oscfreq"
	event "i", 1, 0, 3, i(koscfreq), 100

instr 99 ; Always on

kcont invalue "cont"
koscfreq invalue "oscfreq"

if kcont == 1 then
	ktrig metro 0.5
	schedkwhen ktrig, 0.1, 10, 1, 0, 1, koscfreq, 100

f 1 0 1024 7 -1 1024 1 ;Saw wave
f 2 0 1024 7 1 512 1 0 -1 512 -1 ;Square wave

i 99 0 3600

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726354.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-08-05 19:43
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
Well 30% CPU, while high, should not give you dropouts at all. 
Csound uses portaudio, and that talks to ASIO. Possibly an issue with portaudio?
How does Csound 5.19 perform in your system?
There has been no change in the portaudio module for Csound 6, so that cannot
be counted as a difference, but possibly the packaged portaudio library is different.

Is there a WDM output option? If so, can you try it?


On 5 Aug 2013, at 17:51, Jim Aikin wrote:

>> Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform
>> better.
> It's just as bad. The main difference is that the console doesn't _report_
> underruns. But they're still plainly audible -- several dropouts per second.
>> Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare?
> Using the Simple_Subtractive example .csd, I tried that. There seems to be
> no way to shut the console off when this is happening -- even Task Manager
> couldn't do it, so I had to Restart the machine. More to the point, I get no
> output with this .csd when running in the Command Prompt -- it reports
> "InputChannelCallback not set."
>> You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it
>> too much
>> CPU unexpectedly. 
> I don't know what to expect, so I don't know what would qualify as
> unexpectedly. According to the meters in Task Manager, when Csound is not
> running the CPU usage is essentially zero. Attempting to play a five-note
> chord with Simple_Subtractive boosts the total CPU usage to around 30%. This
> is obviously very high. The sounding instr has one oscillator and one
> filter, and a second instr is just waiting for MIDI notes to arrive. By way
> of comparison, I launched Reason, instantiated a Thor synth, and played some
> five-note chords. Reason's background processes average about 5% CPU usage,
> and the Thor chords (three oscillators, two filters [one of them mono, the
> other poly], two LFOs, delay, and chorus) boosted the CPU to between 10% and
> 12%, max.
> Reason is known for being very efficient with CPU usage ... but on the other
> hand, I've been told by people who know more than me that Csound is also
> very efficient. My guess is that 30% for five ultra-simple notes is way out
> of line, that something unfortunate is going on. I would have no way of
> guessing what it might be.
> But in any event, that has nothing to do with the buffer underruns, because
> 30% CPU usage should not cause buffer underruns. Possibly Csound 6 is not
> compatible with ASIO? There's a random guess.
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726352.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
> csound6:
>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/tickets/
> csound5:
>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/bugs/
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie

Date2013-08-05 20:23
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
I tested this just now. It is as you say.

As I mentioned yesterday, there has been a change in PortAudio in Csound 6. There is no WASAPI and no WDMKS. However, I wouldn't be surprised if you could drop the portaudio DLL from 5.19 into the bin directory for 6 and have it work.

There is in 6: MM, DS, and ASIO.

Things possibly affecting this change are changes in PortAudio sources, and my change from the MinGW 4.7.2 compiler to the 4.8.1 compiler (Csound runs a little faster with it).

Changes in CsoundQt may also affect how PortAudio is used.

I will continue to investigate this. The first thing I will do later is try the older PortAudio DLL.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Victor Lazzarini <Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie> wrote:
Well 30% CPU, while high, should not give you dropouts at all.
Csound uses portaudio, and that talks to ASIO. Possibly an issue with portaudio?
How does Csound 5.19 perform in your system?
There has been no change in the portaudio module for Csound 6, so that cannot
be counted as a difference, but possibly the packaged portaudio library is different.

Is there a WDM output option? If so, can you try it?


On 5 Aug 2013, at 17:51, Jim Aikin wrote:

>> Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform
>> better.
> It's just as bad. The main difference is that the console doesn't _report_
> underruns. But they're still plainly audible -- several dropouts per second.
>> Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare?
> Using the Simple_Subtractive example .csd, I tried that. There seems to be
> no way to shut the console off when this is happening -- even Task Manager
> couldn't do it, so I had to Restart the machine. More to the point, I get no
> output with this .csd when running in the Command Prompt -- it reports
> "InputChannelCallback not set."
>> You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it
>> too much
>> CPU unexpectedly.
> I don't know what to expect, so I don't know what would qualify as
> unexpectedly. According to the meters in Task Manager, when Csound is not
> running the CPU usage is essentially zero. Attempting to play a five-note
> chord with Simple_Subtractive boosts the total CPU usage to around 30%. This
> is obviously very high. The sounding instr has one oscillator and one
> filter, and a second instr is just waiting for MIDI notes to arrive. By way
> of comparison, I launched Reason, instantiated a Thor synth, and played some
> five-note chords. Reason's background processes average about 5% CPU usage,
> and the Thor chords (three oscillators, two filters [one of them mono, the
> other poly], two LFOs, delay, and chorus) boosted the CPU to between 10% and
> 12%, max.
> Reason is known for being very efficient with CPU usage ... but on the other
> hand, I've been told by people who know more than me that Csound is also
> very efficient. My guess is that 30% for five ultra-simple notes is way out
> of line, that something unfortunate is going on. I would have no way of
> guessing what it might be.
> But in any event, that has nothing to do with the buffer underruns, because
> 30% CPU usage should not cause buffer underruns. Possibly Csound 6 is not
> compatible with ASIO? There's a random guess.
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726352.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
> csound6:
>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/tickets/
> csound5:
>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/bugs/
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2013-08-05 21:18
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows

What concerns no output to consoles, I discovered that only two first documents display the output to console. And that's.due to that if to check, somehow only two threada are allowed in the program. For myselc I solved it with adding a line
setMaxThreadCount(8) to qutecsound.cpp.
I will write tomorrow what and where exactly when I will be by my computer.
I did not commit the change to git yet though, since I did not know if it is a proper fix.

I am very glad that the windows installer for Csound6Qt exists now and peoe can test and report! Thanks amillion, Michael!

2013 8 5 19:59 kirjutas kuupäeval "Michael Gogins" <michael.gogins@gmail.com>:

Csound 6 has ASIO. Can you email me your CSD file?

Regards, Mike

On Aug 5, 2013 12:52 PM, "Jim Aikin" <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform
> better.

It's just as bad. The main difference is that the console doesn't _report_
underruns. But they're still plainly audible -- several dropouts per second.

> Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare?

Using the Simple_Subtractive example .csd, I tried that. There seems to be
no way to shut the console off when this is happening -- even Task Manager
couldn't do it, so I had to Restart the machine. More to the point, I get no
output with this .csd when running in the Command Prompt -- it reports
"InputChannelCallback not set."

> You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it
> too much
> CPU unexpectedly.

I don't know what to expect, so I don't know what would qualify as
unexpectedly. According to the meters in Task Manager, when Csound is not
running the CPU usage is essentially zero. Attempting to play a five-note
chord with Simple_Subtractive boosts the total CPU usage to around 30%. This
is obviously very high. The sounding instr has one oscillator and one
filter, and a second instr is just waiting for MIDI notes to arrive. By way
of comparison, I launched Reason, instantiated a Thor synth, and played some
five-note chords. Reason's background processes average about 5% CPU usage,
and the Thor chords (three oscillators, two filters [one of them mono, the
other poly], two LFOs, delay, and chorus) boosted the CPU to between 10% and
12%, max.

Reason is known for being very efficient with CPU usage ... but on the other
hand, I've been told by people who know more than me that Csound is also
very efficient. My guess is that 30% for five ultra-simple notes is way out
of line, that something unfortunate is going on. I would have no way of
guessing what it might be.

But in any event, that has nothing to do with the buffer underruns, because
30% CPU usage should not cause buffer underruns. Possibly Csound 6 is not
compatible with ASIO? There's a random guess.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726352.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2013-08-05 22:22
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: CsoundQt released for Windows
I am very much wondering if this is related to what I had mentioned
off list to you and John (the note I had that it might be related to
tied notes, but I wasn't sure).  I noticed the simpler tied notes
example from the Csound Journal also exhibited the same behavior where
there were dropouts.  Using "--realtime" eliminated the dropouts,
which made me think there might be an issue with note initialization,
but that's just a guess.  I did see higher CPU usage.

I'll write an email in a moment on the dev list so that we gather up
information.  I think this is very important and worth filing a bug
over in the csound tracker.

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Victor Lazzarini
> Well 30% CPU, while high, should not give you dropouts at all.
> Csound uses portaudio, and that talks to ASIO. Possibly an issue with portaudio?
> How does Csound 5.19 perform in your system?
> There has been no change in the portaudio module for Csound 6, so that cannot
> be counted as a difference, but possibly the packaged portaudio library is different.
> Is there a WDM output option? If so, can you try it?
> Victor
> On 5 Aug 2013, at 17:51, Jim Aikin wrote:
>>> Regarding the underruns, did you try the pa_cb RT module? It might perform
>>> better.
>> It's just as bad. The main difference is that the console doesn't _report_
>> underruns. But they're still plainly audible -- several dropouts per second.
>>> Also did you try running "run on terminal" to compare?
>> Using the Simple_Subtractive example .csd, I tried that. There seems to be
>> no way to shut the console off when this is happening -- even Task Manager
>> couldn't do it, so I had to Restart the machine. More to the point, I get no
>> output with this .csd when running in the Command Prompt -- it reports
>> "InputChannelCallback not set."
>>> You can check CPU consumption just to see if there is something using it
>>> too much
>>> CPU unexpectedly.
>> I don't know what to expect, so I don't know what would qualify as
>> unexpectedly. According to the meters in Task Manager, when Csound is not
>> running the CPU usage is essentially zero. Attempting to play a five-note
>> chord with Simple_Subtractive boosts the total CPU usage to around 30%. This
>> is obviously very high. The sounding instr has one oscillator and one
>> filter, and a second instr is just waiting for MIDI notes to arrive. By way
>> of comparison, I launched Reason, instantiated a Thor synth, and played some
>> five-note chords. Reason's background processes average about 5% CPU usage,
>> and the Thor chords (three oscillators, two filters [one of them mono, the
>> other poly], two LFOs, delay, and chorus) boosted the CPU to between 10% and
>> 12%, max.
>> Reason is known for being very efficient with CPU usage ... but on the other
>> hand, I've been told by people who know more than me that Csound is also
>> very efficient. My guess is that 30% for five ultra-simple notes is way out
>> of line, that something unfortunate is going on. I would have no way of
>> guessing what it might be.
>> But in any event, that has nothing to do with the buffer underruns, because
>> 30% CPU usage should not cause buffer underruns. Possibly Csound 6 is not
>> compatible with ASIO? There's a random guess.
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/CsoundQt-released-for-Windows-tp5726299p5726352.html
>> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
>> csound6:
>>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/tickets/
>> csound5:
>>            https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/bugs/
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"
> Dr Victor Lazzarini
> Senior Lecturer
> Dept. of Music
> NUI Maynooth Ireland
> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
> csound6:
>             https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/tickets/
> csound5:
>             https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/bugs/
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"