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2013-03-17 10:34zappfinger [Csnd] Midi input from file and live
2013-03-16 20:26Stefan Thomas [Csnd] loop macro, doesn't work as expected
2013-03-16 11:35Enrico Francioni [Csnd] GEN43
2013-03-16 10:28Jacques Leplat RE: [Csnd] Csound 6 - Live Coding Demo 2 - Event Generation
2013-03-16 10:14Jacques Leplat RE: [Csnd] portable dandy
2013-03-16 08:38Martin Huenniger [Csnd] portable dandy
2013-03-15 23:55Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound 6 - Live Coding Demo 2 - Event Generation
2013-03-15 19:26Stefan Thomas [Csnd] question about release time
2013-03-15 17:58Brian Redfern [Csnd] my new android csound based app
2013-03-15 15:16Adam Puckett [Csnd] audiovisual synthesis via programming
2013-03-15 13:47thorin kerr [Csnd] math speak
2013-03-15 13:29"vallste@libero.it" R: Re: [Csnd] Csound 6 - Live Coding Demo
2013-03-15 12:58john ffitch Re: [Csnd] macro with optional args?
2013-03-15 09:56"vallste@libero.it" Re: Re: [Csnd] UDO for printing audio signals
2013-03-15 07:52"vallste@libero.it" Re: [Csnd] UDO for printing audio signals
2013-03-15 00:14Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound 6 - Live Coding Demo
2013-03-14 21:20joachim heintz [Csnd] UDO for printing audio signals
2013-03-14 19:34Stefan Thomas [Csnd] trying to install csoundqt
2013-03-14 18:43Adam Puckett [Csnd] 2^(1/12) and other fractional exponents
2013-03-14 17:53Hans and Laurel Mikelson [Csnd] Pendula 2
2013-03-14 16:17Hans and Laurel Mikelson [Csnd] Pendula
2013-03-14 14:02Stefan Thomas [Csnd] macro with optional args?
2013-03-14 13:12Martin Huenniger [Csnd] "semaphores" in csound
2013-03-14 11:45Stefan Thomas [Csnd] question to decibel
2013-03-13 18:29Rory Walsh [Csnd] issue with comb filter..
2013-03-13 13:23Stephane Boussuge [Csnd] score in lua
2013-03-13 00:00Michael Gogins [Csnd] CsoundVST (and my Web site)
2013-03-12 15:32Dave Seidel [Csnd] short new piece: Triune
2013-03-12 15:03Michael Gogins [Csnd] Upcoming Electroacoustic Music Festival
2013-03-12 12:22Nicolas Drweski [Csnd] sound objects archive
2013-03-12 00:17Alex Weiss [Csnd] diskin2 error message
2013-03-11 21:06Louis Cohen [Csnd] OT: wiimote solo
2013-03-11 18:43Enrico Francioni [Csnd] stretching_in_RT
2013-03-11 15:30"Karim Haddad" [Csnd] documentation sources
2013-03-10 23:05Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] tvar example, partial tracking
2013-03-10 20:29Rory Walsh [Csnd] can we have a pchcps?
2013-03-10 17:10Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] No sign of any p5 opcodes
2013-03-10 01:25Paul Batchelor [Csnd] John Chowning Reverberator?
2013-03-09 15:24Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound for iOS: Fix for Audio Routing
2013-03-08 20:54"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Csnd] RAWWAVES for the STK opcodes
2013-03-08 10:57Stéphane_Boussuge[Csnd] no more than 3 level in favs from CsoundQt
2013-03-08 09:03Stefan Thomas [Csnd] how to display a value in fltk widget?
2013-03-08 07:34Forrest Cahoon [Csnd] Karplus-Strong instrument using deltapx
2013-03-07 08:46francesco [Csnd] [OT] about MIDI sync (timeline)
2013-03-07 01:41steve conrad [Csnd] 3/7/2013 2:41:50 AM
2013-03-06 21:05Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] maxtab returning index of the maximum
2013-03-06 15:06joachim heintz [Csnd] [OT] why is control rate called kontrol rate?
2013-03-05 15:25"vallste@libero.it" [Csnd] Re: Re: Audio looper: some help
2013-03-05 14:13Michael Gogins [Csnd] REMINDR: New York Csound Users Group meeting this Thursday evening
2013-03-05 12:51Enrico Francioni [Csnd] iskiptim_and_Advance_Statement