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2013-03-05 08:44francesco [Csnd] Audio looper: some help
2013-03-04 23:43imaia [Csnd] Design for a multi-channel Embedded DSP project.
2013-03-04 22:09Rory Walsh [Csnd] looping in Csound6?
2013-03-04 21:22Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] Csound with deaf students
2013-03-04 17:37Bjoern Houdorf [Csnd] Default values does not fit in the equation: ksmps =sr/kr
2013-03-04 14:35Mark Brophy [Csnd] Running CsoundAC on a CSD
2013-03-04 10:41Ben Hackbarth [Csnd] midinncps?
2013-03-03 10:42peiman khosravi [Csnd] fft and sr question
2013-03-02 10:20Mark Brophy [Csnd] CSoundQt libFLAC-8.dll problem
2013-03-01 14:29Ben Hackbarth [Csnd] malloc errors in pvsbandp, pvsbandr
2013-03-01 01:07jpff [Csnd] Admintrivia
2013-02-28 23:08peiman khosravi [Csnd] bformenc1
2013-02-28 20:10Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] alsaseq
2013-02-28 19:14Anton Kholomiov [Csnd] Csound's counterparts for Pd filters
2013-02-28 14:38Shawn56 [Csnd] Anyone here a sound designer?
2013-02-27 14:59Rory Walsh [Csnd] updating tables question..
2013-02-27 13:31Rory Walsh [Csnd] String parameters to UDOs
2013-02-27 07:22Stefan Thomas [Csnd] cabbage, vst
2013-02-26 19:23francesco [Csnd] API InputMessage question
2013-02-26 14:00Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meets March 7
2013-02-25 16:40Justin Smith [Csnd] ptrack documentation
2013-02-24 12:59zappfinger [Csnd] Python csound installer
2013-02-23 19:39"Kanata Motohashi" [Csnd] Bug in score?
2013-02-23 17:22Michael Rhoades [Csnd] OT - Completion of a New Project
2013-02-23 16:21Stefan Thomas [Csnd] routing a special midiport to csound
2013-02-23 15:25Anton Kholomiov [Csnd] What are you listening to? (or The most touching electronics)
2013-02-23 14:45Stefan Thomas [Csnd] problem with qjack and csound
2013-02-23 10:59peiman khosravi [Csnd] output of partials to table
2013-02-23 00:15Louis Cohen Re: [Csnd] STK opcodes
2013-02-20 22:17Rory Walsh [Csnd] named function tables?
2013-02-20 19:44Louis Cohen [Csnd] STK opcodes
2013-02-19 17:03Rory Walsh [Csnd] Csound 5.19 date opcode?
2013-02-19 15:22joachim heintz [Csnd] new release of the csound floss manual: your requests
2013-02-18 19:26Mike McGonagle [Csnd] Question on PD with csoundapi~
2013-02-18 16:50Rory Walsh [Csnd] build-dep?
2013-02-17 23:37Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] nice drum sound
2013-02-17 20:23zappfinger [Csnd] trying to catch midi events
2013-02-16 21:47Anders Genell [Csnd] Smoothly toggle between pconvolves
2013-02-12 14:38Rory Walsh [Csnd] function table sizes?
2013-02-12 11:59peiman khosravi [Csnd] 10.7 csound installer doesn't work.
2013-02-12 10:41peiman khosravi csoundqt 0.7.2 [was Re: [Csnd] csoundqt 0.7.1]
2013-02-12 02:46Andrew Ikenberry [Csnd] Setting loop points in file with phasor index
2013-02-11 22:05William Wignall [Csnd] MIDI Version of Mikelson's Zak Effects System
2013-02-11 18:57zappfinger [Csnd] how to determine end of midi track/file with the API
2013-02-11 12:36Anders Genell [Csnd] Dynamically naming variables
2013-02-11 10:57Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound for iOS
2013-02-11 09:48Andreas Bergsland [Csnd] bug report: pyexec not working on 5.19
2013-02-11 08:12Alex Weiss [Csnd] Printing to File
2013-02-10 20:38Steven Yi [Csnd] iOS: a fix for audio coming out speakers when headphones are plugged in
2013-02-09 21:38zappfinger [Csnd] csnd API pause/continue?