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[Csnd] PythonScore Updates

Date2013-04-22 20:22
FromJacob Joaquin
Subject[Csnd] PythonScore Updates
Hey everyone,

I just released a new version of PythonScore. There are some major changes the will require a couple minor changes to any code that's been written. Details further down. The Amen Tutorial as well as everything in the examples folder have also been updated to reflect the new changes.

Downloading and Installing:

Amen Break PythonScore Tutorial (updated)

Change Log:

And here's what you *really* need to know. I'm looking ahead to the future and the different environments that PythonScore should support. Prior to this release, it was primarily focused as a CsScore bin utility. I've now decoupled the bin portion from the main PythonScore class and created a new subclass called PythonScoreBin. To use it:

    from csd.pysco import PythonScoreBin

    score = PythonScoreBin()

I've also eliminated the need for score.end(), as the functionality that was originally in that method is handled automagically. So one less thing to worry about, as well as an eye to the future for things such as PythonScoreAPI, PythonScoreLiveCoding, etc...

Two additional methods have also been added for creating ftables changing the tempo:


That should do it.


Date2013-04-22 23:08
Frompeiman khosravi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PythonScore Updates
Thanks Jake, Greatly appreciated. I'm really getting my hands dirty with PythonScore!



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On 22 April 2013 20:22, Jacob Joaquin <jacobjoaquin@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

I just released a new version of PythonScore. There are some major changes the will require a couple minor changes to any code that's been written. Details further down. The Amen Tutorial as well as everything in the examples folder have also been updated to reflect the new changes.

Downloading and Installing:

Amen Break PythonScore Tutorial (updated)

Change Log:

And here's what you *really* need to know. I'm looking ahead to the future and the different environments that PythonScore should support. Prior to this release, it was primarily focused as a CsScore bin utility. I've now decoupled the bin portion from the main PythonScore class and created a new subclass called PythonScoreBin. To use it:

    from csd.pysco import PythonScoreBin

    score = PythonScoreBin()

I've also eliminated the need for score.end(), as the functionality that was originally in that method is handled automagically. So one less thing to worry about, as well as an eye to the future for things such as PythonScoreAPI, PythonScoreLiveCoding, etc...

Two additional methods have also been added for creating ftables changing the tempo:


That should do it.
