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Re: [Csnd] PythonScore Example - Bach Invention 1

Date2013-04-16 18:36
FromJacques Leplat
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PythonScore Example - Bach Invention 1
Very nice and packed with sound techniques I need to learn.

Makes me wonder, is there somewhere one can find something along the lines of design patterns for CSound?

All the best,


Jacob Joaquin <jacobjoaquin@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I'm moving from building PythonScore proof-of-concepts to creating stronger examples in hopes this will better demonstrate Python as a suitable score language for Csound. Today, I'm showcasing today is Bach's Invention 1:


Here's a list of featured functions in this example:

* The score uses 4/4 measures. 

* Ornaments as functions. Specifically for trills and mordents. These are analogous to user-defined opcodes in the orchestra, but for the score.

* The tempo varies throughout the piece with the function varied_tempo_map(), which generates a "t" classical score event with random data.

* The harpsichord is tuned to A 415 and is well tempered.

* The final chord is arpeggiated in the final measure.

* The performance is humanized a bit. The start times and durations for the harpsichord are post-processed at the very end of the score with a slight hint of randomness.
