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2012-10-29 04:56"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [OT] VERY OT ... a quiz
2012-10-29 04:28"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] [OT] VERY OT ... a quiz
2012-10-28 20:44peiman khosravi [Csnd] pd based table editor for spectral warping
2012-10-28 16:25Stefan Thomas [Csnd] soundfont for choir or woodwind
2012-10-28 14:48Louis Cohen [Csnd] Manual for 5.18?
2012-10-27 17:32Steven Yi [Csnd] NoteParse - code for shorthand score creation
2012-10-27 12:03"ndrweski@yahoo.fr" RE: [Csnd] [OT] a huge project
2012-10-26 21:34Roger Kelly [Csnd] Raspberry Pi w/Csound
2012-10-26 20:51michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Csnd] Re: Just dreaming: Csound synth
2012-10-26 15:17Rory Walsh [Csnd] Cabbage on Linux...
2012-10-26 09:40"vallste@libero.it" [Csnd] Re: Clap
2012-10-26 09:22zappfinger [Csnd] Just dreaming: Csound synth
2012-10-26 02:47John Colgrove [Csnd] List of Csound android apps?
2012-10-25 13:09Holger [Csnd] [livecode] OT: Network Music Festival OPEN CALL
2012-10-25 13:06Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Csnd] downsampling a pulse
2012-10-25 11:12volker böhm[Csnd] cabbage on osx: plugin name
2012-10-25 09:24zappfinger [Csnd] measuring decibels in CSound
2012-10-24 12:57luis antunes pena [Csnd] Clap
2012-10-24 11:01John ffitch [Csnd] Halting problem
2012-10-24 06:26William Wignall [Csnd] Arduino + Csound
2012-10-23 19:46Rory Walsh [Csnd] libFLAC-8.dll?
2012-10-23 17:53Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] [OT] a huge project
2012-10-23 08:56René Jopi[Csnd] Cabbage on Ubuntu?
2012-10-22 22:46Dima Bak [Csnd] cabbage win-7 x64 can't start.
2012-10-22 09:22peiman khosravi [Csnd] snap to nearest 8th tone
2012-10-22 01:15Christopher Saunders [Csnd] CsoundLib.framework in Xcode
2012-10-21 18:52Rory Walsh [Csnd] comb opcode..
2012-10-21 15:25peiman khosravi [Csnd] tabw_i and non power of two
2012-10-21 15:03peiman khosravi [Csnd] ftsave
2012-10-21 00:51pj@pjb.com.auRe: [Csnd] microtonal midi question
2012-10-20 20:14peiman khosravi [Csnd] microtonal midi question
2012-10-19 18:57Louis Cohen [Csnd] Followup: Using OSC on Mountain Lion, Csound 5.18, CsoundQT 0.61?
2012-10-19 13:45menno [Csnd] how do people use Csound in compositions?
2012-10-19 13:36john ffitch [Csnd] [OT] VERY OT ... a quiz
2012-10-19 01:41Aseem Suri [Csnd] Advance Sections in CSound
2012-10-19 01:33Adam Puckett [Csnd] GEN10 with 2 (or 3) ftlen
2012-10-18 21:19Rory Walsh [Csnd] someone has to ask...
2012-10-18 19:35Richard Boulanger [Csnd] Building CsoundQt from Sources - Second Attempt
2012-10-18 18:20Robin Gareus [Csnd] LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference - Call for Participation
2012-10-18 16:36Louis Cohen [Csnd] Using OSC on Mountain Lion, Csound 5.18, CsoundQT 0.61?
2012-10-18 10:14Rory Walsh [Csnd] handling compressed archives?
2012-10-17 18:09Michael Mossey [Csnd] multiple levels of FM
2012-10-17 09:06francesco [Csnd] basic question
2012-10-17 07:32Michael Mossey [Csnd] help with timbre ideas
2012-10-17 07:14Aurelius Prochazka [Csnd] 4:15 bug in Csound-for-iOS?
2012-10-17 03:56michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Csnd] Preparing for release of CsoundQt
2012-10-16 23:48Matti Koskinen [Csnd] csound 5.18.3 starts crawling after a while on osx
2012-10-16 21:49Freemind[Csnd] Rationale 3.0 on intel 10.7.5 possible?
2012-10-16 18:00"Jacques Leplat" [Csnd] fluidEngine not on Android?
2012-10-16 14:26Raoul Re: [Csnd] midi latency