| hi tarmo -
i can't be there, but i wish you good success!
(and don't fire too much conductors in favour of csound ...)
Am 30.11.2012 22:38, schrieb Tarmo Johannes:
> Hello,
> for csounders in Northern Germany who might be interested:
> I will play a concert with my ensemble U: (fl-cl-vl-vc-pf-perc), in Lübeck,
> concerthall Kolosseum Su 2.12 at 19.30 http://kolosseum-
> online.de/Programm.html
> playing Sciarrino (Omaggio a Burri), Murail (Treize couleurs du soleil
> couchant) and Estonian composers (Tulve, Tüür, Kozlova, Lill) - all very
> sound oriented music,
> Also Csound is present, although not making sound. in Murail we use a
> csound driven light metronome ( every player has a box of LEDs that
> can be controlled individually) and thanks to csound's possibility to
> write timewise well organised scores (also different tempos or
> polyrythmsto different players) it turned outa really great help for some
> pieces (and much cheaper that a coductor ;) )
> greetings,
> tarmo
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