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2012-12-06 20:11Roger Kelly [Csnd] Csound API Python Mac
2012-12-06 13:33Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] Call for Papers - DAFx13, Maynooth, Ireland Sept. 2013
2012-12-06 10:48zappfinger [Csnd] Csound channel API or OSC for speed?
2012-12-06 08:04zappfinger [Csnd] Csound on OLinuXino?
2012-12-05 22:41jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Csnd] Jonathon Harvey RIP
2012-12-05 16:25Alfonso Peduto [Csnd] Modification to John Ffitch's library for generation of fully integrable MIDI files
2012-12-05 16:08Alfonso Peduto [Csnd] Modification to John Ffitch's midi library for fully integrable midi files
2012-12-04 23:20peiman khosravi [Csnd] Simple code editor on OSX, Fraise
2012-12-04 21:28Blaz Jakopin [Csnd] continuous change of p-fields through csoundScoreEvent()
2012-12-04 20:16myrddinemrys [Csnd] MIDI issues on new build 5.18.02
2012-12-04 18:57zappfinger [Csnd] playing part of a table
2012-12-03 23:40balaclava [Csnd] problem with csound~ object in Max/msp
2012-12-03 18:39Louis Cohen [Csnd] More csound console message stuff
2012-12-03 15:34peiman khosravi [Csnd] new work 'Vertex'
2012-12-03 13:45Michael Gogins [Csnd] ANNOUNCEMENT: New York Csound Users Group meeting this Thursday
2012-12-01 01:07jpff [Csnd] Admintrivia
2012-11-30 21:38Tarmo Johannes [Csnd]
2012-11-30 21:25"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Error message detail?
2012-11-30 20:44"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] quick recording..nothing to do with Csound..
2012-11-30 12:10Louis Cohen [Csnd] Error message detail?
2012-11-30 07:44"vallste@libero.it" R: Re: [Csnd] quick recording..nothing to do with Csound..
2012-11-29 21:11Rory Walsh [Csnd] quick recording..nothing to do with Csound..
2012-11-28 19:22Blaz Jakopin [Csnd] help with csoundScoreEvent()
2012-11-28 09:16Andreas Bergsland [Csnd] install problems
2012-11-26 04:01"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] OT: what machine?
2012-11-25 22:45Roger Kelly [Csnd] Chord OpCode?
2012-11-25 19:05joachim heintz [Csnd] csound and inscore - examples
2012-11-25 13:44jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Csnd] OT [Fwd: Audio iOS developer needed at SF/NYC startup]
2012-11-25 13:28Anders Genell [Csnd] OT: what machine?
2012-11-24 01:20"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] OT Sennheiser
2012-11-23 20:38Cacophony7 [Csnd] Compilers and interpreter
2012-11-23 19:53Cacophony7 [Csnd] OT Sennheiser
2012-11-23 18:24Adam Puckett [Csnd] piecewise window functions?
2012-11-22 23:00Steven Yi [Csnd] blue 2.3.0 Video
2012-11-22 13:51peiman khosravi [Csnd] csoundapi~
2012-11-22 08:14alfonso santimone [Csnd] CsoundQt not working on Windows 7 64 bit
2012-11-21 23:58Andres Cabrera [Csnd] CsoundQt on Kindle
2012-11-21 19:45Blaz Jakopin [Csnd] Sonify video material with Csound
2012-11-21 05:21Cacophony7 [Csnd] Hello blue
2012-11-20 22:07joachim heintz [Csnd] widgets not shown at creation
2012-11-20 20:46Louis Cohen [Csnd] How to interpret error message?
2012-11-19 22:00Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound Dependency Builder Script
2012-11-19 18:13Nicolas Drweski [Csnd] OT : New piece - Maquina de baile
2012-11-18 15:02Cacophony7 [Csnd] getting some clicks. Some short-lived static click.(vowgen)
2012-11-18 08:17Cacophony7 [Csnd] Finished a Python course on Coursera.org
2012-11-18 01:11Rory Walsh [Csnd] Automation tutorial
2012-11-16 12:46Roger Kelly [Csnd] Csound Windows8 Mobile
2012-11-16 03:24Cacophony7 [Csnd] I want to read the output
2012-11-15 22:44michael.gogins@gmail.comRe: [Csnd] Re: error building simple project
2012-11-15 22:42Cacophony7 [Csnd] I want to build my own equalizer