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[Csnd] Fluid synth on Android in CSound 1.19?

Date2013-01-25 10:50
From"Jacques Leplat"
Subject[Csnd] Fluid synth on Android in CSound 1.19?
Just wondering if the fluid synth opcode is meant to be in CSound 5.19.02 on Android?
The Version5.19_Notes (http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/csound/csound5/csound5.19/Version5.19_Notes) mention fluid synth opcodes for android in the "Platform Changes" section. Running a csd that uses fluid engine, in csdplayer, gives me the error shown below, the csd file works in the desktop release of CSound:
error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT_F, expecting T_OPCODE or '' (token "fluidEngine")
line 16:
giEngine fluidEngine
All the best,

Date2013-01-26 17:48
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fluid synth on Android in CSound 1.19?
Hi Jacques,

Fluidsynth is not currently packaged with the release.  I have not had
a chance to look into fluidsynth, and more specifically library
loading, any further than from the last time.  I imagine the library


would still work, following the directions that were in the previous
email thread (should be available in mailing list archive).

If you would, please add a ticket on sourceforge for "Clarify opcode
library loading on Android" and mention fluidsynth.  That way we won't
forget to look in it.


On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Jacques Leplat  wrote:
> Hello,
> Just wondering if the fluid synth opcode is meant to be in CSound 5.19.02 on
> Android?
> The Version5.19_Notes
> (http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/csound/csound5/csound5.19/Version5.19_Notes)
> mention fluid synth opcodes for android in the "Platform Changes" section.
> Running a csd that uses fluid engine, in csdplayer, gives me the error shown
> below, the csd file works in the desktop release of CSound:
> error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT_F, expecting T_OPCODE or '' (token
> "fluidEngine")
> line 16:
> giEngine fluidEngine
> <<<
> All the best,
> Jacques