[Csnd] Csound 6
Date | 2013-04-12 16:27 |
From | Michael Gogins |
Subject | [Csnd] Csound 6 |
Attachments | None None |
I am very happy to report that I am now able to use Csound 6 for my actual composing. This I do by writing a piece as a C++ program that embeds CsoundAC, Csound 6 itself, and the actual Csound orchestra. The embedded Csound orchestra uses named instruments, the signal flow graph opcodes, the Fluid and STK opcodes, and the FLTK widgets.
I have modified the CppSound class and the CsoundAC MusicModel class so that when Csound runs, it does not read any orc, sco, or csd files from the disk but rather passes these as strings directly to Csound via the API. (This will obviously enable the easier construction of packaged applications for mobile devices etc. based on the Csound API.)
I have found that the multi-threading support in Csound 6 seems to be working just fine, with speedups scaling roughly by the number of cores divided by 2 for some of the example csds.
With these new features, plus the new type system and the API exposure of the abstract syntax tree, I feel that Csound is now significantly ahead of its competition in terms of software engineering.
I congratulate the developers for delivering on the promise! Thank you! I am preparing a preliminary release of a Windows installer (without Cabbage or CsoundQt, but with most of the other features that are in the 5.19 installer). It should be done in the next week or so.
Best, Mike Michael Gogins Irreducible Productions http://www.michael-gogins.com Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com |