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[Csnd] What should one showcase?

Date2013-04-29 18:23
Fromjohn ffitch
Subject[Csnd] What should one showcase?
I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
pieces that might appeal to such a group?

I was thinking of taking the motto
"Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
 Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks

Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
==John ffitch

Date2013-04-29 18:39
From"john saylor"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?

On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 13:23:57 -0400, john ffitch   
> Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.

with only 20 minutes, i'd just stick with your piece, and use it to show  
what csound can do [as well as telling interesting stories about the  
genesis of the music or any creative (automated) problem solving  
strategies you employed]. yes, it won't be comprehensive [with csound  
wouldn't this take days and days ... ?] but i think it will make a better  
and more focused [and maybe even more entertaining] presentation.

maybe you can illustrate your talk with pictures of hoboes ...


Date2013-04-29 19:12
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?
I would say, they (SC, PD, CS) are all distinct answers to the 
fundamental question, "how to describe what I want to do". Individual 
differences, such as the presence or absence of this or that function, 
are probably secondary (though always interesting). That is, as distinct 
from the archetypal commercial GUI-based push-button system which one 
way or another will tend to lead you towards wanting what they can do!

That said, demoing the pvs opcodes would be nice :-).

Richard Dobson

On 29/04/2013 18:23, john ffitch wrote:
> I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
> geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
> and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
> Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
> pieces that might appeal to such a group?
> I was thinking of taking the motto
> "Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
>   Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks
>   Steven)."
> Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
> ==John ffitch

Date2013-04-29 23:35
Frompeiman khosravi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?

That said, demoing the pvs opcodes would be nice :-).

I think these and partikkel are what really set Csound apart from other platforms.

Richard Dobson

On 29/04/2013 18:23, john ffitch wrote:
I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
pieces that might appeal to such a group?

I was thinking of taking the motto
"Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
  Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks

Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
==John ffitch

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Date2013-04-29 23:36
Frompeiman khosravi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?
Also, the api. Csound runs in pd, maxmsp and python. Which is quite something.

www.peimankhosravi.co.uk || Subscribe to RSS Feed

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On 29 April 2013 23:35, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:

That said, demoing the pvs opcodes would be nice :-).

I think these and partikkel are what really set Csound apart from other platforms.

Richard Dobson

On 29/04/2013 18:23, john ffitch wrote:
I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
pieces that might appeal to such a group?

I was thinking of taking the motto
"Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
  Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks

Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
==John ffitch

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Date2013-04-30 00:31
FromBernt Isak Wærstad
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?
And Cabbage!

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:36 AM, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, the api. Csound runs in pd, maxmsp and python. Which is quite something.

www.peimankhosravi.co.uk || Subscribe to RSS Feed

To receive emails about upcoming concerts visit this page & enter your email address in the 'follow' section.

On 29 April 2013 23:35, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:

That said, demoing the pvs opcodes would be nice :-).

I think these and partikkel are what really set Csound apart from other platforms.

Richard Dobson

On 29/04/2013 18:23, john ffitch wrote:
I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
pieces that might appeal to such a group?

I was thinking of taking the motto
"Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
  Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks

Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
==John ffitch

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Bernt Isak Wærstad

Date2013-04-30 00:35
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?
Why not, there are plenty of video clips here:


On 30 April 2013 00:31, Bernt Isak Wærstad <berntisak@gmail.com> wrote:
And Cabbage!

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:36 AM, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, the api. Csound runs in pd, maxmsp and python. Which is quite something.

www.peimankhosravi.co.uk || Subscribe to RSS Feed

To receive emails about upcoming concerts visit this page & enter your email address in the 'follow' section.

On 29 April 2013 23:35, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:

That said, demoing the pvs opcodes would be nice :-).

I think these and partikkel are what really set Csound apart from other platforms.

Richard Dobson

On 29/04/2013 18:23, john ffitch wrote:
I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
pieces that might appeal to such a group?

I was thinking of taking the motto
"Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
  Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks

Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
==John ffitch

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Bernt Isak Wærstad

Date2013-04-30 01:32
FromMichael Rhoades
SubjectRe: [Csnd] What should one showcase?
Sounds fun john.

I like the idea of showing how compositions have evolved over the 
development of Csound. Begin with a rudimentary early work, then a 
better developed later one and then a recent one... the idea being that 
as the instrument (Csound) has continued to be used over the years 
composers and developers have become virtuosic with it.

my two cents worth... good luck!!


On 4/29/13 1:23 PM, john ffitch wrote:
> I seem to have been signed up to give a 20min talk to the local Bath
> geek/nerd group.  The other speakers seem to be a SuperCollider user
> and a PureData user, so I need to showcase what Csound can do.
> Obviously I will sneak in one of my pieces, but can you suggest other
> pieces that might appeal to such a group?
> I was thinking of taking the motto
> "Something old (ie MusicV tradition); something new (csound6),
>   Something borrowed (stk, code from all over), something Blue (thanks
>   Steven)."
> Any thoughts?  Only got 20 mins.
> ==John ffitch
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>              https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"