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2013-11-16 01:49"Pagano, Patrick" [Csnd]
2013-11-15 20:28Forrest Cahoon [Csnd] reading MIDI pitchbend outside the instrument for its channel
2013-11-15 19:36Steven Yi [Csnd] OSCsound
2013-11-15 18:38Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] Interactive Csound for Chrome
2013-11-15 12:45Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] Csound running on Chrome
2013-11-15 09:15peiman khosravi [Csnd] gausstrig (bug?)
2013-11-15 07:05Enrico Francioni [Csnd] Action time advance
2013-11-14 18:49moi [Csnd] Help
2013-11-14 14:47zohar argaman [Csnd] max_k minimum bug?
2013-11-14 14:27Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] csound6: getting i-value of a kArray member
2013-11-14 09:08David Worrall [Csnd] Fwd: Call for Papers: Special Issue on Interactive Sonification, IEEE MultiMedia magazine
2013-11-14 08:04Gavin Ohning [Csnd] How's it hangin?
2013-11-14 04:06Brian Redfern Re: [Csnd] csound android samples build app won't
2013-11-13 20:56Dominic Melville [Csnd] Csound Android Wiki or links
2013-11-13 20:47Brian Redfern [Csnd] csound android samples build app won't
2013-11-13 20:44Bernt Isak Wærstad[Csnd] Update global strings
2013-11-13 20:04Robin Gareus [Csnd] Linux Audio Conference 2014 - Call for Participation
2013-11-13 17:14Jim Aikin [Csnd] Csound & Euro-Rack
2013-11-13 15:16David Mooney [Csnd] CD Release: Interior Landscape
2013-11-13 06:32moi [Csnd] ftgentmp
2013-11-12 22:06Forrest Cahoon [Csnd] Recording MIDI data for later editing and playback?
2013-11-12 20:10"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Android Csound6 Oddity
2013-11-12 19:55Enrico Francioni [Csnd] Channel_name_of_Label_[QuteCsound]
2013-11-12 14:41David Worrall [Csnd] with ccmake when OPENMP_FOUND is FALSE
2013-11-12 08:46David Worrall [Csnd] Fwd: Call for Papers - 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2014)
2013-11-12 06:18Brian Redfern [Csnd] anyone else had this CsoundAndroid install error?
2013-11-12 06:09Brian Redfern [Csnd] android csound problem
2013-11-11 20:31Steven Yi [Csnd] Updated 10.8 release
2013-11-11 19:58"Pagano, Patrick" RE: [Csnd] Re: generating score via C loading .scl files into
2013-11-11 18:19jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Csnd] Re: generating score via C
2013-11-11 15:36David Worrall [Csnd] modification time of git repository files
2013-11-11 13:32Pauli Laine [Csnd] Score.srt duplicates time info
2013-11-11 09:11Marco Stroppa [Csnd] Parser error?
2013-11-10 22:10"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Do you use CSound on Android with an Android editor? What is your tool chain?
2013-11-10 21:30Tarmo Johannes [Csnd] csound server - please test
2013-11-10 20:57Pablo Frank [Csnd] missing csnd.dll when running csound6 or csoundqt in windows7
2013-11-10 20:01Abram Hindle [Csnd] Do you use CSound on Android with an Android editor? What is your tool chain?
2013-11-10 18:39peiman khosravi [Csnd] OT: PD-based table editor for csound
2013-11-10 16:48Dave Seidel [Csnd] new piece: Maxine's Bells
2013-11-10 03:23"Partev Barr Sarkissian" Re: [Csnd] as if it was something new
2013-11-09 21:01"Pagano, Patrick" [Csnd] SCO generation
2013-11-09 19:40"Pagano, Patrick" [Csnd] Listing Devices
2013-11-09 19:35shreeswifty [Csnd] Listing Devices
2013-11-09 12:43flaviosp [Csnd] WARNING: Buffer overrun in real-time audio input
2013-11-08 22:34zappfinger [Csnd] adsynth strange behavior
2013-11-08 13:21zappfinger [Csnd] (OT) Nice music animation
2013-11-08 12:12flaviosp [Csnd] OSX 10.9
2013-11-08 10:56David Worrall [Csnd] "odd" csound6 build on OSX
2013-11-08 02:41Michael Gogins [Csnd] Two working links to two versions of the Amsterdam Catalog of Csound Instruments
2013-11-08 00:42peiman khosravi [Csnd] pvsfilter behaviour