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[Csnd] problem with qjack and csound

Date2013-02-23 14:45
FromStefan Thomas
Subject[Csnd] problem with qjack and csound
Dear community,
I get the following error message, when I run the below quoted code:
error: -+rtmidi='portmidi': unknown module
 *** error opening MIDI in device: -1 (Unknown MIDI error)
inactive allocs returned to freespace
end of score.              overall amps:  0.00000  0.00000
           overall samples out of range:        0        0
1 errors in performance
I thought with the Ma-flag csound listens to all midi devices.
Does someone know, which flags I should use?
Here is my dummy-code:
-odevaudio -Ma  -m0d -+rtaudio=jack -o dac -b512 -B 1024  
; ==============================================

sr    =    48000
ksmps     =     100
nchnls    =    2
0dbfs    =    1
gisine ftgen 0,0,2^10, 10, 1
instr 1   
    iamp     ampmidi 0.2
     icps cpsmidi

    asig poscil iamp, icps, gisine
    outs asig, asig

; ==============================================
f 0 10
