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Re: [Csnd] drum sounds

Date2013-05-16 22:06
FromJacques Leplat
SubjectRe: [Csnd] drum sounds
The electronic drums I have come across all seem to use white noise as a waveform, two envelope generators, just like those found on the old analogue synths, along with the resonance and cutoff frequency settings. A good example of what can be achieved is the polysix app for iPads.

I have never looked at the waveforms of real percussive instruments.My instinct tells me that white noise is an extremely rough approach to this, hence why they sound so fake.

All the best,


Adam Puckett  wrote:

>Hey list,
>How would I go from designing electronic sounding drum sounds to
>designing more realistic ones? And why do so many electronic cymbals,
>especially crashes, sound so fake? (Not that I necessarily have a
>problem with them, but what's the difference in the waveforms... what
>are they doing "wrong"?)
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Date2013-05-17 00:27
Frompeiman khosravi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] drum sounds
This might give an idea of the complexity of the Cymbal: http://www.lutins.co.uk/cymbals.html 

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On 16 May 2013 22:06, Jacques Leplat <jleplat@j3ltd.com> wrote:
The electronic drums I have come across all seem to use white noise as a waveform, two envelope generators, just like those found on the old analogue synths, along with the resonance and cutoff frequency settings. A good example of what can be achieved is the polysix app for iPads.

I have never looked at the waveforms of real percussive instruments.My instinct tells me that white noise is an extremely rough approach to this, hence why they sound so fake.

All the best,


Adam Puckett <adotsdothmusic@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hey list,
>How would I go from designing electronic sounding drum sounds to
>designing more realistic ones? And why do so many electronic cymbals,
>especially crashes, sound so fake? (Not that I necessarily have a
>problem with them, but what's the difference in the waveforms... what
>are they doing "wrong"?)
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