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2005-03-11 14:26Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Can't rewind the score
2005-03-11 14:21Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Java Bindings working in real time
2005-03-11 10:37Carlos Pita [Cs-dev] Can't rewind the score (with correction)
2005-03-11 10:32Carlos Pita [Cs-dev] Can't rewind the score
2005-03-11 08:09Olivier =?iso-8859-1?b?RG9hcuk=?= [Cs-dev] Bug report: cs5 and recent version of jack
2005-03-11 04:59Carlos Pita Re: [Cs-dev] Java Bindings working in real time
2005-03-11 01:16"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] Realtime controllers and scores in csound 5
2005-03-11 01:05"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] CsoundAPI - how to synchronize
2005-03-10 22:06Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Realtime controllers and scores in csound 5
2005-03-10 22:01Carlos Pita [Cs-dev] Realtime controllers and scores in csound 5
2005-03-10 18:03Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Sourceforge home page
2005-03-10 18:02steven yi [Cs-dev] Freeverb - Thanks!
2005-03-10 16:04Jean-Pierre Lemoine [Cs-dev] CsoundAPI - how to synchronize
2005-03-09 23:15Dave Phillips [Cs-dev] pvoc working again in Cs5
2005-03-09 21:44Matt Ingalls [Cs-dev] an interesting compile warning
2005-03-09 18:52"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-09 16:24"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] Sourceforge home page
2005-03-09 15:35"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-09 14:20Yury Aliaev [Cs-dev] patch for build cs-4.23f12gbs.9
2005-03-09 06:44steven yi [Cs-dev] Manual Tracker added to Sourceforge Project Page
2005-03-09 03:49"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 20:46Iain Duncan [Cs-dev] Portmidi Python with wxController?
2005-03-08 19:56"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 19:27"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 19:22"Art Hunkins" Re: More event issues (was Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows)
2005-03-08 18:38Jean-Pierre Lemoine [Cs-dev] Java Bindings working in real time
2005-03-08 17:06"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 15:45"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 15:41"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 15:38"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 15:03"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 15:01"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 14:54"gogins@pipeline.com" RE: More event issues (was Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5and CsoundVST on Windows)
2005-03-08 14:44"gogins@pipeline.com" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 14:18Dave Phillips [Cs-dev] mclock ?
2005-03-08 13:25"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 13:04"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Fw: New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows (with libsndfile, oops)
2005-03-08 12:08ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)[Cs-dev] Experimental flCsound compressed disk image for MacOS X
2005-03-08 03:48"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-08 01:12"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] Using Sourceforge Trackers
2005-03-07 23:43steven yi [Cs-dev] Using Sourceforge Trackers
2005-03-07 22:58Matt Ingalls Re: [Cs-dev] Macsound plugin linker options
2005-03-06 22:59Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] GBS 9
2005-03-06 20:47Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] GBS 9
2005-03-06 18:00Victor Lazzarini [Cs-dev] Macsound plugin linker options
2005-03-06 14:13jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] Portaudio in CS5
2005-03-06 13:25Victor Lazzarini Re: [Cs-dev] GBS 9
2005-03-06 04:05ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)[Cs-dev] Compressed disk images for flCsound
2005-03-05 04:02Andres Cabrera [Cs-dev] nlalp
2005-03-04 15:05"gogins@pipeline.com" RE: [Cs-dev] Csound5 Java Bindings report