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2005-03-18 14:34Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] csound.exportForPerformance() python segfault
2005-03-18 12:19Istvan Varga [Cs-dev] Manual for ftconv opcode
2005-03-18 06:45jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com (Jeremiah Benham)[Cs-dev] csound.exportForPerformance() python segfault
2005-03-18 03:20"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] New File Release for Csound 5 and Csound VST
2005-03-17 22:09iainduncan-EynCeXvFgoheoWH0uzbU5w@public.gmane.orgMakescore bug fix
2005-03-17 10:19Istvan Varga [Cs-dev] Re: Bug report, Cs5 tempo
2005-03-17 00:38Iain Duncan [Cs-dev] Bug report, Cs5 tempo
2005-03-16 17:20jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] GEN51 and GEN52
2005-03-16 03:48"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] New file releases for Csound5 and CsoundVST
2005-03-15 23:35Iain Duncan [Cs-dev] csound5 and tempo
2005-03-15 21:20jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] Diskin and soundin in CS5
2005-03-15 20:32Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] another error building Cs5
2005-03-15 19:24Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] another error building Cs5
2005-03-15 19:22Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] CsoundVST with Java requirement?
2005-03-15 17:54jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com (Jeremiah Benham)[Cs-dev] CsoundVST with Java requirement?
2005-03-15 16:38Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] scons problem
2005-03-15 16:34Dave Phillips [Cs-dev] scons problem
2005-03-15 13:04"Michael Gogins" [Cs-dev] Removed -lswigpy from SConstruct
2005-03-15 06:38steven yi [Cs-dev] SConstruct change
2005-03-15 03:14"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] swig debian unstable
2005-03-15 02:53jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com (Jeremiah Benham)[Cs-dev] swig debian unstable
2005-03-15 02:32Iain Duncan [Cs-dev] lineto question, bug report?
2005-03-14 20:13Dave Phillips [Cs-dev] MIDI problem reappears
2005-03-14 14:59Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] OSC yet again
2005-03-14 14:34jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] OSC yet again
2005-03-13 18:18steven yi [Cs-dev] GEN51 vs. gentune
2005-03-13 14:31"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] What is this?
2005-03-13 14:25"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] What is this?
2005-03-13 14:21"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] build errors
2005-03-13 10:03jpff@codemist.co.uk[Cs-dev] What is this?
2005-03-13 04:51kelly [Cs-dev] build errors
2005-03-12 20:08"Art Hunkins" Fw: [Cs-dev] Varga 4.24.1 in real-time
2005-03-12 20:06"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] Varga 4.24.1 in real-time
2005-03-12 15:39"gogins@pipeline.com" RE: [Cs-dev] Compiling CSound 5 on Mac OS X
2005-03-12 14:17Jeremy Sawruk [Cs-dev] Compiling CSound 5 on Mac OS X
2005-03-12 04:32"Art Hunkins" [Cs-dev] Portaudio Version Differences
2005-03-12 03:34"Michael Gogins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-12 02:41"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 19:48Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] CsoundAPI - how to synchronize and other findings
2005-03-11 19:21"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 19:16"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 18:41"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 18:38Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 18:30Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 18:15"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 17:44"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 16:52Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 16:38"Art Hunkins" Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows
2005-03-11 14:35Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] Can't rewind the score (with correction)
2005-03-11 14:34Michael Gogins Re: [Cs-dev] New file release for Csound 5 and CsoundVST on Windows