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2009-10-24 00:37spatz0r [Csnd] "Auto-fill syntax" idea
2009-10-23 21:43francibal [Csnd] python csound callback
2009-10-23 19:36Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] [CsoundBlog] Splice and Stutter
2009-10-23 02:41michael.gogins@gmail.com[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: python api and speed ( and docs )
2009-10-23 02:27Emerson Aagaard [Csnd] turnoff signals with loscil
2009-10-22 16:35Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Guard point and ftlen()
2009-10-22 13:49Charles Gran [Csnd] Oscillator noise
2009-10-22 11:54edexter5 [Csnd] probilty sequencing language
2009-10-21 23:42Dave Seidel [Csnd] New netlabel release: Complex Silence 4
2009-10-21 19:35Iain Duncan [Csnd] python api and speed ( and docs )
2009-10-21 17:22Schumacher Marlon [Csnd] csound5.11 -switching between floats and doubles
2009-10-21 16:01Rory Walsh [Csnd] program change info...
2009-10-21 10:13Stéphane Rollandin[Csnd] new version of Csound-X for Emacs
2009-10-19 13:46gmschroeder [Csnd] Returning and problems with FLTK.
2009-10-19 05:51Iain Duncan [Csnd] csnd.py and building from source
2009-10-19 05:44Iain Duncan [Csnd] csound api python documentation
2009-10-18 21:44Felipe Sateler [Csnd] Manual release
2009-10-18 02:42Emerson Aagaard [Csnd] Recommended Linux Distribution
2009-10-17 19:33Dave Seidel [Csnd] passing fsigs to UDOs?
2009-10-17 17:53dave strange [Csnd] pvsftw - pvsftr examples?
2009-10-17 12:39francibal [Csnd] qutecsound in csound5.11 release
2009-10-16 20:46Felipe Sateler [Csnd] 5.11 in debian
2009-10-16 16:19Anthony Palomba [Csnd] python algorithmic libraries...
2009-10-16 14:18Rory Walsh [Csnd] debug version of QuteCsound for windows...
2009-10-16 12:52csndnoob [Csnd] How do I do a frequency shift?
2009-10-15 22:48dp51 [Csnd] Windows + Csound 5.11 + csound~ crash
2009-10-15 22:14jpff [Csnd] Linux mpadec library
2009-10-15 15:44Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] [ANN] linux audio developers conference 2010
2009-10-14 19:00Steve Bradley [Csnd] Csound 5.11 Disappointment
2009-10-14 18:01Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] [CsoundBlog] Csound Vs Music V -- Fight! Pt. 1
2009-10-14 17:10Michael Mossey [Csnd] PortMidi and Haskell
2009-10-13 22:17Charles Gran [Csnd] pvspitch scratching and popping
2009-10-13 19:35Matthew Hines [Csnd] Warning message I don't understand
2009-10-13 09:15Stefan Thomas [Csnd] table for attack time
2009-10-13 02:54Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] The Csound Blog has moved
2009-10-12 20:48Enrico Francioni [Csnd]
2009-10-12 20:21spatz0r [Csnd] Suggestion about advance statements
2009-10-12 16:52Alexandre Fenerich [Csnd] qtecsound not running on Mac
2009-10-12 09:35dp51 [Csnd] [ANN] csound~ v1.0.7
2009-10-11 18:51cochedelaferte [Csnd] Building Loris
2009-10-10 22:07John Link [Csnd] problem using soundin in QuteCsound
2009-10-09 08:57joachim heintz [Csnd] new pvs examples
2009-10-08 11:15edexter5 [Csnd] Highlight 2.12 csound syntax highlighter
2009-10-07 20:55Enrico Francioni [Csnd] Doppler_in_multichannels
2009-10-07 08:48Andres Cabrera [Csnd] [ANN] QuteCsound 0.4.3 is out
2009-10-06 17:45Ben McAllister [Csnd] MIDI File Input and Tempo opcodes
2009-10-06 14:39Charles Gran [Csnd] infinite delay
2009-10-05 18:20francibal [Csnd] some amplitude problems
2009-10-05 17:32Andres Cabrera [Csnd] [OT] Finding the frequency of a discrete signal
2009-10-05 14:50cochedelaferte [Csnd] Csound5.11.1 Solaris