| Here is an example using vdelayx to do the modulating delay line.
The depth, rate, feed and offset parameters can be adjusted to taste.
If you use an larger offset (in the 15 to 40 ms range), you will get
more of a chorus effect although a single voice chorus might be quite
The flang waveform is a standard sine.
Input to the flanger is the audio signal a1, output is aOut
*** csound instrument excerpt
; flanger
aDepth = 2 ; flanger depth (in milliseconds)
kRate = 0.3 ; flanger rate (speed)
kFeed = 0.8 ; flanger feedback
iOffset = 2 ; delay time offset
iFlangWave = giSine ; flanger waveform
aDelayTime oscil 0.5, kRate, iFlangWave ; delay time oscillator (LFO)
aDelayTime = ((aDelayTime+0.5)*aDepth)+iOffset ; scale and offset LFO
iMaxDelay = 0.1
iWindowSize = 4
aFeed init 0
aFlanger vdelayx a1+aFeed, aDelayTime*0.001, iMaxDelay, iWindowSize
aFeed = aFlanger*kFeed
aOut = (a1 + aFlanger) * iamp
2009/12/3 Carl :
> Hi Guys,
> Does anyone know how to set up a flanging effect in an instrument. I've
> played around trying to offset one instrument with another but cant get it
> to work?
> Thanks
> --
> "Call me what you like....but don't call me in the
> morning."http://www.myspace.com/bluefevermusic
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