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2010-03-19 19:04Anthony Palomba [Csnd] Update on Csound catalog...
2010-03-19 15:00Anthony Palomba [Csnd] Update on Csound book...
2010-03-19 04:08"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: RE: [OT] wishes (was Re: Re: kyma x)
2010-03-19 01:30Michael Gogins [Csnd] Pianoteq on Linux
2010-03-18 22:14Rene Djack [Csnd] rtjack error
2010-03-18 18:36Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] Fwd: Thank you for your application
2010-03-18 17:01Steven Yi [Csnd] [ot] - Speaking of Hardware Synths (Vince Clarke Interview)
2010-03-18 11:34Stefan Thomas [Csnd] question about fmwurlie
2010-03-18 04:18"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: [OT] wishes (was Re: Re: kyma x)
2010-03-17 23:30andy fillebrown [Csnd] Ubuntu build error
2010-03-17 12:26Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] LPC random bursts [bug?]
2010-03-17 09:41Rene Djack [Csnd] smoothsort
2010-03-16 21:24Rory Walsh [Csnd] any sign of a windows release?
2010-03-16 10:45Olavo Peres [Csnd] Graphical Objects and MIDI in OSX
2010-03-15 16:47Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] [CsoundBlog] Bowed String Additive Synth
2010-03-15 16:23Andres Cabrera [Csnd] [ann] QuteCsound 0.5.0 testing prerelease
2010-03-14 22:47Michael Gogins [Csnd] Jack opcodes
2010-03-13 02:08Tobiah [Csnd] Bug in the new, faster score sorter
2010-03-11 21:10Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] kyma x
2010-03-10 19:46Matthew Hines [Csnd] Bohlen-Pierce Symposium
2010-03-10 00:12Tobiah [Csnd] Score sorting again
2010-03-09 22:30Seiya Matsumiya [Csnd] Get playtime before rendering
2010-03-09 18:48Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Fragments
2010-03-09 18:14Enrico Francioni [Csnd] graphic_equalizer
2010-03-09 10:50joachim heintz [Csnd] Several instances of an UDO in an UDO
2010-03-09 07:25Mike Moser-Booth [Csnd] Bohlen-Pierce Symposium
2010-03-09 06:10Steven Yi [Csnd] New Piece - Reminiscences
2010-03-08 16:18Rory Walsh [Csnd] [OT] soundcards with a dual boot win/OSX system..
2010-03-08 09:57menno [Csnd] another error building Csound
2010-03-07 20:51Tobiah [Csnd] Small error in manual
2010-03-07 19:52Stéphane Rollandin[Csnd] [ANN] Surmulot pre-10 release
2010-03-07 12:34menno [Csnd]
2010-03-04 02:01rasputin [Csnd] OLPC/1LPC and Csound (re: sloppy packaging)
2010-03-02 18:05Alex Hofmann [Csnd] QuteCsound Options
2010-03-02 14:56Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] 5.12.3 OSX release
2010-03-01 19:00joachim heintz [Csnd] silly question
2010-03-01 16:41Steven Yi [Csnd] Questionnaire Results
2010-03-01 14:59gary hiebner [Csnd] PDF version available of CSound book.
2010-03-01 01:11jpff [Csnd] Administration
2010-02-28 18:11Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Adding "Report Bug" to csound.sourceforge.net
2010-02-28 12:24john ffitch [Csnd] Scanned Synthesis on Linux
2010-02-27 23:15Pierce [Csnd] Question Peak _meter
2010-02-27 19:53Tobiah [Csnd] Why does this orchestra make sound?
2010-02-27 14:29Michael Gogins [Csnd] Csound DSSI
2010-02-26 19:59joachim heintz [Csnd] Problems with portmidi and Csound 5.12 in QuteCsound
2010-02-26 19:05Michael Gogins [Csnd] Aeolus with Csound
2010-02-26 11:51GRAHAM.JENKIN@nuim.ie[Csnd] Global effects in score
2010-02-26 05:14"Shaun D. Tuck" [Csnd] Scanned Synthesis on Linux
2010-02-26 00:45Steven Yi [Csnd] blue - OSX version
2010-02-25 23:47joachim heintz [Csnd] fout manual error