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[Csnd] ANN: latest project - sonification of LHC collision data

Date2010-04-28 01:34
FromRichard Dobson
Subject[Csnd] ANN: latest project - sonification of LHC collision data
Hello all,

people here might be interested in my latest piece of mischief, which 
has in part involved a bit of simple Csound (plus some perl scripting):


This is ~not~ a "csound website" despite the name - look at it and the 
name will make perfect sense.

This is a very new resource, and there are still some bits not quite 
working as intended yet. But there are some (IMO) cool sounds for people 
to listen to by myself, Archer Endrich, and some by the physicist in the 
project, Lily Asquith. She has the  arcane knowledge needed to extract 
numbers from the otherwise impenetrable xml files of raw ATLAS data into 
a tidy text file that composers can convert into whatever format suits 
them - e.g. Csound scores, MIDI files, etc. This is the start of a 
potentially very long journey.

In brief - the project is to turn collision data from the ATLAS detector 
of the LHC into sound, both for aesthetic ends and (in the not too 
distant future I hope) for scientific purposes. Maybe one day we will 
identify the Higgs boson not only by staring at lists of numbers but 
also by listening to it.  One of my favourite tracks on the site is a 
sonification of a simulated Higgs jet event.

This is an education/outreach project, aimed at (say) 10yr-olds upwards. 
  We aim to publish not only sounds but also the data files from which 
they have been derived to encourage any and everyone to have a go. There 
is just one simple file available for download at present, more will 
follow as Lily continues to develop the website. Lily is also setting up 
a presence on Facebook and Twitter, as well as writing a blog.


Richard Dobson

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Date2010-04-28 07:53
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
Subject[Csnd] Re: ANN: latest project - sonification of LHC collision data
This is very nice, making sounds based on the data from the LHC is
indeed interesting.
Looking forward to hear more sounds.

The main content area of the web site lack scrollbars, so on some of
the pages I'm unable to read all text.


2010/4/28 Richard Dobson :
> Hello all,
> people here might be interested in my latest piece of mischief, which has in
> part involved a bit of simple Csound (plus some perl scripting):
> http://www.lhcsound.com
> This is ~not~ a "csound website" despite the name - look at it and the name
> will make perfect sense.
> This is a very new resource, and there are still some bits not quite working
> as intended yet. But there are some (IMO) cool sounds for people to listen
> to by myself, Archer Endrich, and some by the physicist in the project, Lily
> Asquith. She has the  arcane knowledge needed to extract numbers from the
> otherwise impenetrable xml files of raw ATLAS data into a tidy text file
> that composers can convert into whatever format suits them - e.g. Csound
> scores, MIDI files, etc. This is the start of a potentially very long
> journey.
> In brief - the project is to turn collision data from the ATLAS detector of
> the LHC into sound, both for aesthetic ends and (in the not too distant
> future I hope) for scientific purposes. Maybe one day we will identify the
> Higgs boson not only by staring at lists of numbers but also by listening to
> it.  One of my favourite tracks on the site is a sonification of a simulated
> Higgs jet event.
> This is an education/outreach project, aimed at (say) 10yr-olds upwards.  We
> aim to publish not only sounds but also the data files from which they have
> been derived to encourage any and everyone to have a go. There is just one
> simple file available for download at present, more will follow as Lily
> continues to develop the website. Lily is also setting up a presence on
> Facebook and Twitter, as well as writing a blog.
> Enjoy!
> Richard Dobson
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>           https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"

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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"