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2010-06-11 21:22Rory Walsh [Csnd] [OT] bit of fun...
2010-06-11 18:53Michael Bechard [Csnd] My Music
2010-06-11 18:07Luís Antunes Pena[Csnd] csound build on osx 10.6.3
2010-06-11 17:24Jim Aikin [Csnd] doubles vs. floats (minor whine)
2010-06-11 17:08"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re al-Time Audio
2010-06-11 07:53Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] monosynth puzzler
2010-06-11 07:39Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] compiliation woes --AGAIN!!!
2010-06-11 01:41Jim Aikin [Csnd] Re al-Time Audio
2010-06-10 20:48Felipe Sateler [Csnd] Audio programming book
2010-06-10 19:43Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] Learning C or C++
2010-06-10 17:10"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Re: Re: Thanks for QuteCsound & the Current Csound Installer Bundle
2010-06-10 13:44"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Csnd] Thanks for QuteCsound & the Current Csound Installer Bundle
2010-06-10 12:52menno [Csnd] lets fluidAllOut
2010-06-10 00:37luis jure [Csnd] updated csound vim tools (at last!)
2010-06-09 22:16Dima Bak [Csnd] add directory to sfdir var.
2010-06-09 21:01Jan Jacob Hofmann [Csnd] Re: Universal binary for OSX10.4
2010-06-09 19:39"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Universal qutecsound ?
2010-06-09 17:41algodon [Csnd] scoreline_i limit ?
2010-06-09 06:14Steven Yi [Csnd] [announce] blue 2.1.0
2010-06-09 02:58Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] RE: envelopes for restriking an instrument
2010-06-08 21:47Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie[Csnd] Universal qutecsound ?
2010-06-08 20:17menno [Csnd] mp3in issue
2010-06-08 20:11menno [Csnd] chuap
2010-06-08 18:38Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie[Csnd] Universal binary for OSX10.4
2010-06-08 14:54menno [Csnd] mp3in
2010-06-08 11:39menno [Csnd] lpslot
2010-06-08 09:26Dima Bak [Csnd] CsoundVST on Win7 Nuendo4.
2010-06-08 01:10Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] outrg outrage
2010-06-08 00:29Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] 0dbfs=0
2010-06-07 23:45"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Brother Sun and Sister Moon
2010-06-07 21:48Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] uninstalling
2010-06-07 20:16Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] Signal Flow Graph opcodes new in 5.12?
2010-06-07 20:02menno [Csnd] lpread and lpfread
2010-06-07 18:41Stefan Thomas [Csnd] panic button
2010-06-07 03:22Jim Aikin [Csnd] MIDI buffer reading
2010-06-06 23:12Robert or Gretchen Foose [Csnd] re: Notes from the Metalevel examples
2010-06-06 09:07"Stefano Bonetti" [Csnd] WinXound 3.3.0 (Beta 3) for Windows and OsX (with correct links)
2010-06-06 08:36"Stefano Bonetti" [Csnd] WinXound 3.3.0 (Beta 3) for Windows and OsX
2010-06-06 04:46"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: buzz and gbuzz - why does the documentation so specifically talk about cosines?
2010-06-06 00:13"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: buzz and gbuzz - why does the documentation so specifically talk about cosines?
2010-06-05 22:21Robert or Gretchen Foose [Csnd] Note from the Metalevel CD
2010-06-05 16:16gmschroeder [Csnd] buzz and gbuzz - why does the documentation so specifically talk about cosines?
2010-06-04 23:31Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] experimental universal OSX package
2010-06-02 04:05Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] envelopes for restriking an instrument
2010-06-01 01:11jpff [Csnd] Administration
2010-05-31 23:24Jim Aikin [Csnd] Time Lag Before New Section
2010-05-31 19:27Michael Gogins [Csnd] ICMC 2010
2010-05-31 11:17Stefan Thomas [Csnd] envlpxr
2010-05-29 20:17Stefan Thomas [Csnd] fm with feedback
2010-05-29 03:14"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Imitating Partch