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[Csnd] Re: OT Re: Using python with CSOUND for Livecoding like Supercollider

Date2010-07-08 16:28
From"Partev Barr Sarkissian"
Subject[Csnd] Re: OT Re: Using python with CSOUND for Livecoding like Supercollider
Check out Dan Stowe at The Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University London.
He does some interesting work on the subject. Saw him do a live performance in 
July 2007 at a post AES Conference gathering, using Super Collider on a G4 Power Book.
It was pretty good. I'll have to dig out his email, I've got it soewhere.



--- michael.gogins@gmail.com wrote:

From: Michael Gogins 
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Re: OT Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Using python with CSOUND for Livecoding like Supercollider
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 09:28:15 -0400

I don't do live coding, but I am interested in it. Anything that
reduces the amount of time between conception and hearing in computer
music appeals to me. The faster things go, the more sounds you can

So, although I don't do live coding, I have done a great deal of work
to make my own composing environment more efficient:

-- I have a standard "template" script with built-in options for
testing the Csound orchestra, rendering in real-time, or rendering to

-- I have a standard Csound orchestra that actually contains all my
interesting instruments, patched into a signal flow graph with
mastering effects. I just re-arrange the instruments to suit the needs
of each piece. The instruments all use the same pfields and are
normalized in loudness.

-- When rendering to soundfile, the template automatically rescales
the output, creates an MP3, and writes tags, then opens the master
soundfile in a player. This means when the piece sounds good to me, it
is actually finished, and I can just upload the MP3 or burn a CD.

As a result, I can work pretty rapidly, generating dozens of pieces in
a working session.

The main hangup in this setup is that my pieces generally are too
dense to render in real time, so I have to twiddle my thumbs while the
pieces render, normalize, etc. But the next computer I get will be at
least quad core and the disk will be faster, too.

Which reminds me -- when is the ParCS branch going to be merged?


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:49 AM, Peiman Khosravi
> Yes of course it was a generalisation :-)
> My point was that I don't see the point of live-coding because I don't find
> it musically interesting to watch someone write code (or possibly check
> their email!). Why not write the code in the studio and render it
> beforehand? Of course live-coded pieces may be interesting or even amazing
> (even if they rarely are), but that has nothing to do with the fact that
> they were live-coded. Live-coding as a paradigm is flawed as far as I am
> concerned. For a start what's the point of seeing a bunch of random lines on
> the screen if you don't understand the language?
> Of course it would be nice to be able to build signal path in real-time with
> csound. But for me it isn't a great disadvantage not to have that, and I
> certainly don't think Csound will die because of it!
> P
> On 7 Jul 2010, at 18:41, thorin kerr wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Peiman Khosravi
>>  wrote:
>>> Live-coded
>>> pieces always sound more dead than some of the oldest Music-N pieces
>>> (Stria
>>> for instance)!
>> I think this is a bit of a generalisation...
>> One of the first live coded pieces I came across is also one of the
>> most 'alive' sounding works I know. You can see it here:
>> http://vimeo.com/groups/impromptu/videos/2433947
>> I wouldn't have believed it was live coded unless I saw it performed
>> with my own eyes. Of course, this is 'algorithmic' live coding using
>> Impromptu (which can easily use Csound as a synth via OSC, and could
>> probably use the API as well). I can imagine watching someone going to
>> great efforts to live-code an FM algorithm might be tedious to watch.
>> Tk
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Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

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