| Good luck,... Buckaroo Bonzai. Hello to the 8th Dimension once
you get thru the wall. (lol)
--- moko@city-net.com wrote:
From: moko@city-net.com
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Re: ftable limit in score?
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 12:27:01 -0400
OK...I'll load them until I hit the wall...Crash helmet in place.
David Mooney
> There was a lower limit once, but I am sure it now expands as
> required, like labels, variable, instrument numbers and all the other
> stuff
> ==John ffitch
>>>>>> "moko" == moko writes:
> moko> 2^24 is the limit of the NUMBER of ftables (not the size)? That
> seems
> moko> really high to me. I was remembering something like 500.
[...snip...] |