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2010-05-27 11:00Stefan Thomas [Csnd] table midivelocity
2010-05-26 20:44Stéphane Rollandin[Csnd] [ANN] new releases of muO and Surmulot
2010-05-26 00:38Jim Stevenson [Csnd] Re: plain text was midiamplitude, ifmindex
2010-05-25 16:13Emerson Aagaard [Csnd] diskin segmentation fault
2010-05-25 09:55Stéphane Rollandin[Csnd] [ANN] new release of csound-x for Emacs
2010-05-25 09:07Stefan Thomas [Csnd] question about modal frequency
2010-05-24 22:15Stefan Thomas [Csnd] transposing a signal
2010-05-24 17:13Thomas Baruchel [Csnd] [Newbie] Using csound with several soundfonts
2010-05-24 10:47kind beta [Csnd] tonal/noise separation like with sms
2010-05-24 09:41Stefan Thomas [Csnd] midiamplitude, ifmindex
2010-05-23 22:13Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound Journal - Issue 13
2010-05-23 14:51Stefan Thomas [Csnd] imitating partch
2010-05-23 08:10Stefan Thomas [Csnd] amplitude modulation
2010-05-23 01:24Jim Aikin [Csnd] Re al-Time Mouse Sliders (Zippering)
2010-05-22 22:34Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] pvsdisp on WinXP
2010-05-22 17:39gmschroeder [Csnd] --help page quirk that's driving me slightly nuts.
2010-05-22 13:33gmschroeder [Csnd] vim tools
2010-05-21 20:14Felipe Sateler [Csnd] [OT] Masking function
2010-05-20 20:23Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] lib_csnd.dylib doubles problem
2010-05-20 20:15Stefan Thomas [Csnd] version 5.2.
2010-05-20 19:10Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie[Csnd] Fwd: Re: [Portaudio] windows build question
2010-05-20 14:54Nutri Cumulus [Csnd] How does this orchestra make music ?
2010-05-19 19:51menno [Csnd] hrtfstat noise
2010-05-19 12:27peiman khosravi [Csnd] csound AU plug-in
2010-05-18 15:23Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] csound double on fedora 12
2010-05-17 11:39Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] [OT] lectureship in composition, music dept. NUIM Ireland
2010-05-16 13:57"vallste@libero.it" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 96 notes per octave
2010-05-15 16:41Anthony Palomba [Csnd] MIDI controlled envelope...
2010-05-15 14:10Stefan Thomas [Csnd] midi and polyphonie
2010-05-14 17:01Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] Csound 5.12 OSX 10.4 Intel
2010-05-12 18:48Forrest Cahoon [Csnd] I'm looking for a microtonal piano roll
2010-05-12 16:54Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] simulating vacuum tubes
2010-05-12 16:53Aaron Krister Johnson [Csnd] PD vs. Csound -- realtime performance
2010-05-12 15:28"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Csound music..
2010-05-12 12:47Rory Walsh [Csnd] Some Csound music..
2010-05-12 00:41Tobiah [Csnd] Trying to use string pfield as diskin2 name
2010-05-11 23:22Jim Stevenson [Csnd] way too many Re:s
2010-05-11 23:07Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Csound Blog Audio Up at SoundCloud
2010-05-11 07:06Jim Aikin [Csnd] Graphics Support
2010-05-11 04:10"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: question about resonance
2010-05-11 04:09"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: question about resonance
2010-05-10 03:23"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: question about resonance
2010-05-09 21:28Stefan Thomas [Csnd] problem with etude 6
2010-05-09 16:57Stefan Thomas [Csnd] question about resonance
2010-05-09 11:41Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] OT: any Ecasound users?
2010-05-05 12:56Dr. Richard Boulanger [Csnd] The Synapse Remixes
2010-05-05 11:43"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Csnd] Barry Vercoe's Retirement Party
2010-05-05 07:05"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Csnd] A Mini-Symposium Honoring Barry Vercoe's Work
2010-05-05 05:25"Dr. Richard Boulanger" [Csnd] Barry Vercoe's Retirement Party - Today
2010-05-04 18:10Victor Lazzarini [Csnd] new csound 5.12.4 package for OSX 10.5