| My realtime experience with Csound is that instruments initiated with
substantial i-time parameters (including printing to the screen) will cause
I deal with this by:
1) running all my instruments *throughout* (always on: I use faders to bring
them in and out - such is the nature of my music);
2) minimize printing to the screen (or moving the mouse) during performance.
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "Malte Steiner"
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:35 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Doubles and low-power netbooks
> Hi,
> as you can see in the video below Csound with doubles worked fine for me
> on an EEE netbook under less then perfect conditions (wet, cold and
> windy), CSound on a streetfest:
> http://vimeo.com/12716797
> The netbook ran from batteries because the power was shaky, CPU Freq
> scaling was turned off but actually only because I didnt turned it on on
> that netbook yet. The distribution is Archlinux with a custom realtime
> kernel.
> My patch replayed multitrack loops from bigger machines from my studio,
> some processing like pvscale pitchshifting, delays, filtering and reverb
> plus some synthesis for my solos. It controlled the motorfaders and LEDs
> on BCF2000 controller to give me a visual feedback of the state, but I
> replicated it on a FLTK Gui with the built in opcodes, just in case the
> Behringer fails.
> Some odd observations I made anyway and I wonder about the workarounds.
> CSound behaved to the outside world perfectly, no XRuns with Jack on a
> Terratec USB Card and 16 milliseconds latency.
> But when I drag the FLTK window, Csound seems to stop its processing, no
> sound during dragging it. Fortunately I dont have to drag the window
> around during the performance. I am certain I compiled Csound with the
> switch on for running FLTK in an extra thread.
> Another thing was some random glitches when some new instruments got
> initiated, some crackling. For an instrument which uses a phase vocoder
> file to preloaded I worked around by playing the instrument shortly from
> the score at the beginning, I wonder if I should play all instruments at
> the beginning to preload them all in memory? The other instruments causing
> those glitches don't use external files.
> Anyway, I never used CSound that way before and I am really happy that I
> could implement my live application that easily. More documentation to
> follow...
> Cheers,
> Malte
> --
> ----
> media art + development
> http://www.block4.com
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