CECILIA 4.01aCecilia is the legendary front end for Csound that was released on the SGI platform 15 years ago. CECILIA is an editor, a sound production environment, a graphical interface and a library of complex sound processing modules. Over the years and as time allowed, many versions for many platforms were released. CECILIA's true charms were revealed to those users who took the time to get to know her well. CECILIA is one of electroacoustic music's best kept secrets. Temperamental she is, but her passionate disposition is a composer's true muse.
Be that as it may, you will be pleased to know that CECILIA has been revamped (so to speak) over the past two summers. After a false launch last fall, we are back at it with a considerably improved version.
This is still an alpha release, meaning that the definite and enhanced bombshell will likely premiere sometime in late August.
CECILIA disports herself in Windows and OSX while Linux adepts can easily get her to dance from the sources.
CECILIA is pure Python.
CECILIA 4.01a is available here:
Some release notes:
If you run an existing version of Cecilia, trash it or rename it.
For OSX, CECILIA installs the whole shebang. No need to install Csound.
For Windows, you need to install Csound (latest version as much as possible).
Only stereo modules are currently offered.
The Function generators are presently basic. Many enhancements are forthcoming.
CECILIA has no documentation but you have an imagination.
We WOULD LOVE to hear about your experiences with the girl.
To that end you can fill reports here (please do not abuse with trivia):
http://code.google.com/p/cecilia4/issues/listHere's hoping you have a pleasant date.
Jean Piché
Olivier Bélanger
Dominic Thibault
Jean-Michel Dumas
iACT, institut Arts Cultures Technologies
Université de Montréal