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2009-12-09 14:25UnUnUnium [Csnd] QuteCsound error message OS X
2009-12-08 14:35Andres Cabrera [Csnd] [ANN] QuteCsound 0.4.5 released
2009-12-08 05:02"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: Influence of technology on aesthetics (was: Panning)
2009-12-08 04:20"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: Panning
2009-12-08 02:27Tobiah [Csnd] Csound slams down my machine
2009-12-07 19:05Rene Djack [Csnd] How to print % ?
2009-12-07 17:41David Picón Álvarez[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: [OT] Human speech is music to out ears
2009-12-07 17:28Rene Djack [Csnd] FLTK snapshot on Linux
2009-12-07 17:27J [Csnd] cross fading effects switcher
2009-12-07 15:08Rene Djack [Csnd] Wrong error line numbers on Linux
2009-12-07 01:47mike andrews [Csnd] 5.1 panning opcode
2009-12-06 21:05Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] [CsoundBlog] Making Records
2009-12-06 17:13Siobhán Maher[Csnd] Samples out of range
2009-12-06 11:27john ffitch [Csnd] Re: process recorded sound
2009-12-06 01:48Matt Barber [Csnd] Re: integer to float to integer conversions
2009-12-05 21:57Siobhán Maher[Csnd] pops and clicks!
2009-12-05 20:02Matt Barber [Csnd] integer to float to integer conversions
2009-12-05 19:56"Joe O'Farrell" [Csnd] Influence of technology on aesthetics (was: Panning)
2009-12-05 15:50Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Which plays first? (the answer might surprise you)
2009-12-05 12:50Olavo Peres [Csnd] snapshots
2009-12-05 09:43Michael Mossey [Csnd] [OT] programming languages for computer music - Haskell
2009-12-05 09:35Michael Mossey [Csnd] [OT] Microsound Ltd. Superconductor
2009-12-05 03:52"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Panning
2009-12-05 03:48"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Calculate amplitude loss in butterbp
2009-12-05 02:48"Partev Barr Sarkissian" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Panning
2009-12-04 23:00Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Using UDOs with instr 0
2009-12-04 17:56Jason Timm [Csnd] MagicCam 0:
2009-12-04 14:42Rene Djack [Csnd] Loris and Loris csound opcodes on Linux
2009-12-04 10:43mike andrews [Csnd] Function tabl point size and sample rate. (beginner question)
2009-12-04 03:45"kriaww" [Csnd] process recorded sound
2009-12-03 23:03Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] [CsoundBlog] Simple Keys -- Modularized Key Mapping
2009-12-03 23:03Oeyvind Brandtsegg [Csnd] calculate amplitude loss in butterbp
2009-12-03 19:24Atte André Jensen[Csnd] csoundvst under linux - now it builds
2009-12-03 16:40Felipe Sateler [Csnd] [OT] Human speech is music to out ears
2009-12-03 13:15Carl [Csnd] Flanging
2009-12-03 12:41Rene Djack [Csnd] Lines in QuteCsound
2009-12-03 01:49Dave Seidel [Csnd] csounds.com blog spam
2009-12-02 20:24Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] ftsave & ftload Float/Double incompatibility when writing binary files
2009-12-02 19:12Jacob Joaquin [Csnd] Macro replacements does not work inside double curly brackets
2009-12-02 15:58Oisin Moran [Csnd] Listening back
2009-12-02 12:46gary hiebner [Csnd] CSound 5.11 for PPC?
2009-12-01 19:56Peiman Khosravi [Csnd] pvstencil question
2009-12-01 19:20Michael Gogins [Csnd]
2009-12-01 18:48Rene Djack [Csnd] QuteCsound
2009-12-01 12:12Carl [Csnd] Panning
2009-12-01 01:11jpff [Csnd] Administration
2009-12-01 00:30Doug Keislar [Csnd] Positions at Computer Music Journal
2009-11-30 13:50"vallste@libero.it" [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Reactivision -> OSC -> Csound
2009-11-30 09:24"vallste@libero.it" [Csnd] Reactivision -> OSC -> Csound
2009-11-30 05:44Rene Djack [Csnd] alpass, valpass, comb, vcomb opcodes noisy