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[Csnd] "hearing things" in white noise

Date2010-01-03 09:06
FromMichael Mossey
Subject[Csnd] "hearing things" in white noise
I was recently using the 'noise' opcode to produce gentle white noise to 
cover up background sounds. What I discovered was that I "hear things" in 
it. I hear faint tones, voices, and music. I listened with high-resolution 
headphones and this was even more obvious.

Other than being a premise for a horror movie, is there some reality to 
this, in the sense that the 'noise' opcode doesn't produce completely 
uncorrelated noise, so it will have faint tones in it?

Or is this pure human perception/projection at work?


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Date2010-01-03 12:17
FromPeiman Khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: "hearing things" in white noise
Tony Conrad once mentioned this on a mailing list. Apart from that I know nothing about the subject. His post is below in red.



Exactly the difficulty: your deterministic (Shannon-like) model of communication (of reception) insufficiently accounts for listener variation, for the 
unlimited variability of interpretation made contextually inevitable, and even the fact that sounds may never "loose their identity as 'real' sounds." 
(There is a whole cult of people for instance who listen for signs of spirit voices or extraterrestrial signals in white noise.) "Spectromorphological 
listening" is of course possible, but is a learned practice, and must be regarded as largely independent of its source material.


On 3 Jan 2010, at 09:06, Michael Mossey wrote:

I was recently using the 'noise' opcode to produce gentle white noise to cover up background sounds. What I discovered was that I "hear things" in it. I hear faint tones, voices, and music. I listened with high-resolution headphones and this was even more obvious.

Other than being a premise for a horror movie, is there some reality to this, in the sense that the 'noise' opcode doesn't produce completely uncorrelated noise, so it will have faint tones in it?

Or is this pure human perception/projection at work?


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