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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [announce] blue 2.0.0

Date2010-01-16 18:18
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [announce] blue 2.0.0
Yes, WITHOUT collisions.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joachim heintz" 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:16 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [announce] blue 2.0.0

i think you mean without collisions, right?

Am 16.01.2010 um 19:03 schrieb michael.gogins@gmail.com:

> Right now, with the ftgenonce opcode and the signal flow graph  opcodes, 
> instruments based on the following template can be freely  shared with 
> collisions or mismatches IF they also agree on the  meanings of the 
> pfields, or of a common set of initial pfields  (illustrated below):
> instr MyInstr
> insno = p1
> ionset = p2
> iduration = p3
> imidikey = p4
> imidivelocity = p5
> itable1 ftgenonce ....
> ...
> itableN ftgenonce
> ; instrument processing code here...
> outlet "ch1", aout1
> outlet "ch2", aout2
> ...
> outlet "chN", aoutN
> endin
> Connections from such instruments to outputs or effects are declared  in 
> the orchestra header. See the signal flow graph example in the  Csound 
> manual for a more complete explanation.
> Regards,
> Mike
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Yi" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 12:32 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: [announce] blue 2.0.0
> Hi Andres,
> Just catching up on older emails now.  blueShare itself is open in
> that anyone can talk to the API (it uses xml-rpc, though I guess I
> should considering moving to JSON sometime).  However, the big issue
> is that what is stored in blueShare is just the XML-serialized version
> of the different instrument classes and the effects objects.  These
> then map to objects which other applications would need to have some
> concept for and support.  I think the best way to think of what is in
> blueShare and in blue is thinking of VST instruments and effects. Like
> VST, blue instruments and effects are--when coded
> correctly--completely self-contained and can be inserted into any
> project and automatically link into the audio-signal flow graph
> through the mixer.
> The issue with trying to reuse the data in blueShare in say,
> QuteCsound, is that I see diferences in the model for how interfaces
> are used.  An application like QuteCsound, MacCsound, or using FLTK
> widgets has a view where it's like you're building with Csound a
> standalone audio application. The single main interface then is
> reference-able by multiple csound instruments and there is no
> encapsulation into reusable parts.  Not to say one method is better
> than the other, just that the purposes are different, and there's sort
> of a cognitive dissonance in how to share information.
> As another example, blue also communicates to the Csound UDO
> repository over xml-rpc and is able to download UDO's directly from
> the website into the project.  This is possible because blue has a UDO
> object that it can wrap the incoming UDO with and then handle as a
> separate object.  In terms of other programs, unless they have this
> abstraction, the best they can do is download the UDO and directly
> insert the text into a CSD.
> If there is a desire to create a share-able respository for Csound
> programs, I think we'd have to come to some agreement on what we are
> sharing.  Would it be an instrument? An ftable definition?  (Could be
> useful if it could contain an attachment, so that we could store
> things like strike data for physical models...).  If we come up with
> the concepts of what to share, then we could look at creating a
> CsoundShare site.
> steven
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Andres Cabrera   
> wrote:
>> Hi Steven,
>> Nice work. Looks very polished.
>> I've always thought that blue share could be a platform for
>> collaboration even across frontends. What do you think of the widget
>> format proposal I showed some time ago? Do you think it's worth  trying
>> to implement it to encourage collaboration in blue share?
>> Cheers,
>> Andrés
>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Steven Yi  wrote:
>>> Thanks Jason and everyone!
>>> I'm hoping to also "reboot" blueShare by making a full website that
>>> will be both the home of blue (blue's new website) as well as
>>> blueShare as part of it. Hopefully can make it more community
>>> oriented, so things like seeing popularity of instruments/effects,
>>> comments, etc. I'm working on a design document now for MIDI and
>>> probably will try be a little more formal with how releases and  things
>>> get put together. Part of the future of blueShare I think will go
>>> hand-in-hand with moving libraries from categories-based to tags- based
>>> (or perhaps keeping categories and adding tags).
>>> There's a lot on my mind now but it's going to take some time to get
>>> it all going. Hopefully we all benefit from it!
>>> Thanks!
>>> steven
>>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Jason a   
>>> wrote:
>>>> AWESOME! just downloaded, gave it a good run-through and i'm 
>>>> impressed! i
>>>> installed it and whammo, it worked... no fiddling, no noodling with
>>>> preferences, nothing! it seems a lot more stable in it's normal, 
>>>> everyday
>>>> functions too (button pushing, screen switching, etc). i can't  wait to
>>>> start composing with it. great job. big up to you Steven, and all  of 
>>>> your
>>>> cohorts/minions/associates/assistants, great work.
>>>> jAdams
>>>> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Steven Yi   wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> After a long hiatus for releases, I am happy to announce blue  2.0.0 
>>>>> is
>>>>> now available at:
>>>>> http://www.csounds.com/stevenyi/blue
>>>>> (Note: the above site is old and will be updated for 2.1.0. The
>>>>> download can also be retrieved from the sourceforge site at
>>>>> http://sf.net/projects/bluemusic).
>>>>> The big change is that blue 2.0.0 has been rewritten to use the
>>>>> Nebeans Rich-Client Platform. This has taken quite a bit of time  but
>>>>> I think the app has gained a lot of nice features in using the RCP
>>>>> libraries, particularly a nicer window system that users can 
>>>>> customize
>>>>> the locations of windows of the app (i.e. move score side-by- side to
>>>>> orchestra, detach orchestra into it's own window to pull to a 
>>>>> separate
>>>>> screen, etc.). Also, there a number of nice UI things in RCP  that I
>>>>> have started to take advantage of.
>>>>> This release is feature-equivalent to blue 0.125.0 and projects  that
>>>>> working 0.125.0 should work open up and work fine in blue 2.0.0.  I am
>>>>> going to be ramping up my time on developing blue and moving  forward
>>>>> with now with new feature development. Initial aims are to  improve 
>>>>> the
>>>>> PatternObject and to work on MIDI input for 2.1.0, as well as  going
>>>>> through and taking care of issues in the bug and feature request
>>>>> databases on SourceForge.
>>>>> Documentation was only partially updated for this release and  most of
>>>>> the documentation is still from 0.125.0. In reviewing the
>>>>> documentation I have decided that a larger reorganization of the
>>>>> documentation is necessary and this work has been scheduled for 
>>>>> 2.1.0.
>>>>> For any questions regarding 2.0.0, please either email the blue  users
>>>>> mailing list (preferred) or email me directly and I'll be happy to
>>>>> answer questions.
>>>>> A note on installation: for this release and for the foreseeable
>>>>> future, the application is now simply bundled in a zip file. Unzip
>>>>> the file and go into the blue/bin folder and run either blue.exe  or
>>>>> the blue shell script to launch the application.
>>>>> Thank you to all of the blue users on on the blue mailing list who
>>>>> have provided feedback during the 2.0.0 beta releases: you have 
>>>>> helped
>>>>> tremendously in helping to find bugs and make this release  possible!
>>>>> Thanks an enjoy!
>>>>> steven
>>>>> p.s. - Thank you to Brian Wong for contributing new pieces for the
>>>>> examples folder! I know I have contacted a number of people for  other
>>>>> contributions and may have lost them in the time 2.0.0 was being
>>>>> developed, my apologies! If you have a piece you would like to
>>>>> contribute, please email me and I would love to add them to blue  for
>>>>> all users to study and enjoy!
>>>>> [CHANGE LOG]
>>>>> >Notes for 2.0.0 <
>>>>> [released 2010.01.07]
>>>>> Steven
>>>>> Yi -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> blue
>>>>> [new] - Converted application to use Netbeans Rich Client  Platform to
>>>>> take
>>>>> advantage of new Window Manager and many libraries
>>>>> [new] - Added PulseAudio as driver option for Realtime Render 
>>>>> settings
>>>>> on
>>>>> Linux
>>>>> [new] - Added pieces by Brian Wong to examples\pieces\brianWong 
>>>>> folder
>>>>> [fix] - bug 2864419 - fixed importing multiline i- and f- statements
>>>>> when
>>>>> importing CSD or ORC/SCO; added multiline i-statment in score
>>>>> parser
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>>>>> "unsubscribe
>>>>> csound"
>>>> --
>>>> ciao,
>>>> jAdams
>>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>>> "unsubscribe csound"
>> --
>> Andrés
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
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>> csound"
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