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[Csnd] Positions at Computer Music Journal

Date2009-12-01 00:30
FromDoug Keislar
Subject[Csnd] Positions at Computer Music Journal
[Apologies for cross-postings.]

Positions at Computer Music Journal

Computer Music Journal, MIT Press's definitive quarterly on computer
music, invites applications for two positions: (1) an assistant editor
for manuscript editing, and (2) an intern or editorial consultant for
news and announcements. The positions have no geographical limitations,
but native English fluency is required. Members of underrepresented
groups are encouraged to apply, as are all other qualified applicants.
For questions, please contact the Editor at cmj@mitpress.mit.edu.

Applications and inquiries are accepted by email; send to
cmj@mitpress.mit.edu with "[CMJ application]" in the subject line.
Hard-copy applications are also accepted; send to Editor, Computer Music
Journal, 2550 9th Street #207 B, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA. (Materials
will not be returned.)

Your application should include:

1. A brief letter explaining your interest and qualifications and
specifying which of the two positions is of interest.
2. A curriculum vitae, including education, any publications, any
editorial experience, a list of research areas of computer music in
which you have competence or expertise, and a summary of mathematical
and technical skills as well as musical training.
3. Names, phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses of references.
4. One or more samples of your writing (not necessarily published) on
any topic related to computer music.
5. The date when you can start, preferably by January 2, 2010.

We recommend that applications be submitted by December 7, 2009. Review
of applications will continue until the position is filled.

Detailed job descriptions follow.

1. Assistant Editor for Manuscript Editing

Responsibilities focus on editing and preparing peer-reviewed
manuscripts for submission to MIT Press for publication, including some
communication with authors on technical topics regarding their articles.
(This position does not include managing the peer-review process or
seeking substantial revisions from authors.) The position entails
approximately 60-120 hours per quarterly issue. Detailed requirements
are listed below.

Applicants should demonstrate both eagerness for success as an editor
and a commitment to computer music. Because of the technical nature of
many CMJ manuscripts, preference will be given to applicants who have a
background in engineering, computer science, or related research areas.
The ideal applicant will be able to comprehend and evaluate manuscripts
on a wide variety of topics, so that he or she can edit each manuscript
that has undergone the peer-review process to conform with the CMJ style
and MIT Press publication standards. We are seeking a native speaker of
English who has top-notch language skills and an eye for detail.

The current editor for manuscript editing, Colby Leider, is stepping
down for lack of time, owing to increased responsibilities in his
academic department. We are sorry to see him leave after over a
decade with the Journal. However, it is gratifying to witness his
successful career development. He will be available to assist the new
editor during the transition.

Location: May live anywhere in the world
- Broad and deep knowledge of computer music
- Master's degree or higher
- At least a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a technical field (e.g.,
computer science, engineering, mathematics, sciences)
- Musical training
- Native English fluency and superb editing skills
- Punctuality and attention to detail
- Familiarity with Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and Adobe Photoshop
- Familiarity with foreign languages
- Editing experience
- Familiarity with the Chicago Manual of Style
- Communicate with CMJ Editor, authors, managing editor, and copyeditor
- Assemble materials (documents, figures, captions, etc.) for each
accepted manuscript, starting with the author’s final version.
- Edit each manuscript for conformance to existing CMJ style
- Email authors regarding editing questions and copyright matters
- Collate multiple versions of manuscripts into a final document
- Check bibliographic items for accuracy, completeness, and format;
supply missing details
- Deliver edited manuscripts on time for publication
- Attend the annual CMJ editorial summit meeting (by phone, Skype, or
in person)
- Cultivate future manuscript submissions from potential authors
A small salary is available through a contract with MIT Press; contact
the Editor.

2. Intern or Editorial Consultant for News and Announcements

Responsibilities consist of gathering and carefully editing items for
the Announcements and News sections near the beginning of the Journal.
The position entails an average of approximately 20 hours per quarterly
issue. Detailed requirements are listed below.

The first year of the position will be treated as an internship, unless
the appointee is exceptionally well qualified and has already achieved
widespread recognition for his or her career in computer music. In that
case, the appointee's title will be Editorial Consultant; otherwise, it
will initially be Editorial Intern.

This is a volunteer position: there is no financial compensation, but
the appointee will gain experience in publishing, and will be able to
participate in the "cutting edge" of the computer music field. The
appointee will be listed by name on the inside front cover of each issue
on which he or she works, and on the Journal's Web site.

Applicants should demonstrate both eagerness for success as an editor
and a commitment to computer music. Interests might include composition,
performance, engineering, or research topics in the field. We are
seeking a native speaker of English who has top-notch language skills
and an eye for detail. A solid knowledge of the computer music field
will be invaluable in ascertaining the priority of potential news items,
as well as in editing the chosen items.

The current editor of of news and announcements, Lonce Wyse, will be
taking on other responsibilities with the Journal, and he will also be
available to assist the appointee during the transition.

Location: May live anywhere in the world
- Good knowledge of the computer music field
- Bachelor's degree or higher
- Native English fluency and excellent writing and editing skills
- Punctuality and attention to detail
- Familiarity with Microsoft Word
- Familiarity with other languages (German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Japanese, etc.)
- Editing experience
- Familiarity with the Chicago Manual of Style
- Familiarity with Adobe Photoshop
- Receive potential news items and announcements from Editor
- Collect other items from Web, mailing lists, etc.
- Send collected, unedited items to Editor for approval
- Edit each item
- Send edited items to Editor and Managing Editor as Microsoft Word files
- Collect several pieces of artwork to accompany news items (such as
photos, image files from the Web, or hard-copy illustrations in brochures)
- Attend the annual CMJ editorial summit meeting (by phone, Skype, or
in person)

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