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2005-09-07 09:55Steven Yi [Csnd] Disabling FTable Messages
2005-09-06 22:37"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Latest Live CsoundAV Piece
2005-09-05 23:16Steven Yi [Csnd] Instrument Static Variables, Completely encapsulated instruments
2005-09-05 09:27Jan Jacob Hofmann Re: [Csnd] Conversion into 48 khz and 24 bit, does it make sense?
2005-09-05 00:48David Akbari [Csnd] VST Host Opcodes
2005-09-04 00:12William Echard [Csnd] MIDI-Help: Thanks
2005-09-03 20:49schwaahed [Csnd] Steven Cook: VCS3 problem
2005-09-03 20:42schwaahed [Csnd] Steven Cook
2005-09-02 03:45Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] single vs. double (was: Conversion into 48 khz and 24 bit, does it make sense?)
2005-09-02 01:22"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] One last MIDI Csound question
2005-09-01 23:01Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Conversion into 48 khz and 24 bit, does it make sense?
2005-09-01 22:29"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] One last MIDI Csound question
2005-09-01 18:24"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] One last MIDI Csound question
2005-09-01 17:45Jan Jacob Hofmann [Csnd] Conversion into 48 khz and 24 bit, does it make sense?
2005-09-01 09:37Simon Schampijer Re: [Csnd] csmanual make pdf
2005-09-01 06:42John ffitch [Csnd] Reminder
2005-09-01 02:34Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Csound5 Mixer Opcodes
2005-09-01 01:10"Chris Wittmann" [Csnd] Csound5 Mixer Opcodes
2005-08-31 20:44Juan Carlos Martinez [Csnd] simple question about .mid file
2005-08-30 19:16Steven Yi [Csnd] New Manual Posted
2005-08-30 18:32Steven Yi [Csnd] Csound Journal
2005-08-30 09:47Drweski nicolas [Csnd] help about Midi with csound
2005-08-30 05:04"Chris Wittmann" [Csnd] Csound5 Mixer Opcodes
2005-08-29 19:29Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Csound 5 status
2005-08-29 17:55Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Csound 5 status
2005-08-29 17:20jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com (Jeremiah Benham)[Csnd] understanding het_export files
2005-08-28 03:17Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Csound 5 status
2005-08-27 22:28"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] Need basic MIDI help
2005-08-27 15:26Istvan Varga [Csnd] New Csound 5 release (Win32 binaries, sources, and manual)
2005-08-27 14:29William Echard [Csnd] Need basic MIDI help
2005-08-26 19:56schwaahed [Csnd] Moving a k-rate variable into an i-rate variable
2005-08-26 14:36Simon Schampijer Re: [Csnd] csmanual make pdf
2005-08-25 22:20Alan O Cinneide [Csnd] pitch tracker...
2005-08-25 18:50Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Csound 5 status
2005-08-25 14:00Simon Schampijer [Csnd] csmanual make pdf
2005-08-25 13:36Istvan Varga [Cs-dev] Csound 5 status
2005-08-24 22:01Iain Duncan [Csnd] Csound pitch tracker?
2005-08-24 06:42David Akbari [Csnd] Appending libcsound.a
2005-08-23 11:41Luis Antunes Pena [Csnd] error installing csound5 for osx
2005-08-22 22:34Chuckk Hubbard [Csnd] RIP Bob Moog
2005-08-22 18:29Luis Antunes Pena Re: [Csnd] soundout question
2005-08-22 15:09Luis Antunes Pena Re: [Csnd] soundout question
2005-08-22 12:04jpff@codemist.co.uk[Csnd] Linux Audio
2005-08-22 11:17Luis Antunes Pena [Csnd] soundout question
2005-08-22 10:44ze luis [Csnd] about MacCsound Tutorials
2005-08-21 05:53jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com (Jeremiah Benham)[Csnd] PortMIDI: selected input device 1: 'VirMIDI 1-0' (ALSA)
2005-08-20 14:18Simon Schampijer Re: [Csnd] tracking segmentation faults / memory allocation
2005-08-20 13:06Simon Schampijer Re: [Csnd] tracking segmentation faults / memory allocation
2005-08-20 11:56Simon Schampijer [Csnd] tracking segmentation faults / memory allocation
2005-08-20 03:52"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Monosynth Reprise