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Re: Common Music and Csound 5

Date2005-10-11 14:28
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Common Music and Csound 5
Not all high-level languages have an FFI protocol -- or if they do, I don't where they are!

Mathematica does have one, but as far as I know Java and Python both require "glue code" to be written in C. Naturally I'd love to hear I'm wrong.


-----Original Message-----
From: St�phane Rollandin 
Sent: Oct 11, 2005 2:59 AM
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Common Music and Csound 5

Michael Gogins wrote:

> Please advise me which is the best version of Lisp or Scheme to use for Common Music and the Csound API.

CLisp seems a good Lisp candidate, althoulg SBCL would probably be a 
better one if the Windows port was available at last.

as for Scheme, PLT Scheme has my preference.

I'm not familiar with C developement (last time I coded C was 15 years 
ago or so), so my question may be stupid, but here it is: why do you 
have to write a specific binding for each and every langage ? all 
high-level langages have a FFI protocol; couldn't Csound expose whatever 
functions/interfaces are necessary so that the binding can easily be 
written on the other langage side ?

(I'm specifically interested into a Squeak Smalltalk binding)


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