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2005-10-02 00:48jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com (Jeremiah Benham)Cross Compiled Istvan's csound-4.24.1 Invalid ftable no. 1.000000
2005-10-01 23:32"Andrew Lynch" GEN01
2005-10-01 23:15Otto Castro Call for Electro- Acoustics Works and Video - Museum of Art and Contemporary Design - Costa Rica
2005-10-01 22:23"luigisqln\@libero\.it" mu.se.s.0.1.2
2005-10-01 17:52Victor Lazzarini Re: writing dac output to a file
2005-10-01 08:52sokratesla writing dac output to a file
2005-10-01 06:42John ffitch Reminder
2005-10-01 03:09Steven Yi [announce] blue - 0.99.8
2005-09-30 17:58"Art Hunkins" Fw: [Csnd] MIDI Input NRPN conversion opcode?
2005-09-30 15:32Jan Jacob Hofmann 2nd order Ambisonic encoding, Spatial Reverb and Early reflections
2005-09-30 11:03Gabriel Maldonado CsoundTeknoDay Rome 2005 - Call for pieces
2005-09-30 04:40"Art Hunkins" MIDI Input NRPN conversion opcode?
2005-09-30 01:35Steven Yi [ot] Cellular Automata Ringtones
2005-09-29 16:57Sebastian Gutsfeld Redirect messages with CsoundVST Python module
2005-09-29 04:22digger vermont Errors in multiplication
2005-09-28 02:39"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Peavey Studiomix and Real-Time Csound
2005-09-28 01:53"Michael Gogins" Re: [Csnd] 31 bit pseudo-random number gen in C, C++ & dsPIC assembly code
2005-09-28 01:46Pat Pagano [Csnd] csound5 audio device specifications
2005-09-26 20:42"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-26 15:05Chris Share [Csnd] Test
2005-09-26 00:23"Michael Gogins" Re: [Csnd] .net proj
2005-09-25 21:13digger vermont [Csnd] if ( p4 < 12 ) then go nuts
2005-09-25 16:14Jean-Pierre Lemoine [Csnd] Csound5 rtaudio is not working
2005-09-25 13:37"Michael Gogins" Re: [Csnd] Instrument Static Variables, Completely encapsulated instruments
2005-09-25 12:16Jean-Pierre Lemoine [Csnd] Csound5 rtaudio, how to?
2005-09-25 05:35James Paul Sain [Csnd] Call for Works - 15th Annual Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival
2005-09-25 03:16"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] CsoundAV windows tips
2005-09-24 12:26jpff@codemist.co.uk[Csnd] [ot?] Onset detection
2005-09-24 02:59"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
2005-09-23 20:29"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-23 20:00"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
2005-09-23 19:56"Kanata Motohashi" Re: [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-23 19:35"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-23 19:00"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-23 17:12jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk[Csnd] {ot] VX Pocket+Linux
2005-09-23 05:52"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-23 01:14"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
2005-09-22 23:51Martin Peach [Csnd] csoundapi~ timeout
2005-09-22 23:45"Art Hunkins" [Csnd] Fw: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
2005-09-22 19:20Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Logging (-0) removed in Csound 5?
2005-09-22 18:50"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
2005-09-22 18:19"\\js" [Csnd] csound5 scons does not find FLTK and boost libraries
2005-09-22 16:36Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Logging (-0) removed in Csound 5?
2005-09-22 16:33Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Logging (-0) removed in Csound 5?
2005-09-22 15:41"Art Hunkins" Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
2005-09-22 15:17Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] 31 bit pseudo-random number gen in C, C++ & dsPIC assembly code
2005-09-22 15:14Michael Gogins Re: [Csnd] Logging (-0) removed in Csound 5?
2005-09-21 23:21Juan Carlos Martinez [Csnd] GUI INterfaces in CSOUND
2005-09-21 21:56jpff@codemist.co.uk[Csnd] [ljc@internet.com.uy: Re: [Csnd] Deferred length GEN tables]
2005-09-21 18:15Robin Whittle [Csnd] 31 bit pseudo-random number gen in C, C++ & dsPIC assembly code