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Python and CsoundVST: No module named csnd

Date2005-11-06 16:49
FromSebastian Gutsfeld
SubjectPython and CsoundVST: No module named csnd
Hi *,

I compiled csound5 from CVS (2005-11-02) and get the following error
message when importing CsoundVST in my python code:

| File "/usr/local/lib/CsoundVST.py", line 4241, in ?
|     import csnd
| ImportError: No module named csnd

After renaming the two occurences of "csnd" to "_csnd" at the end of
CsoundVST.py (I thought I could import /usr/local/lib/_csnd.so) I get

| File "/usr/local/lib/CsoundVST.py", line 4242, in ?
|     sys.modules["__main__"].csound = _csnd.CppSound()
| AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'CppSound'

Any idea how to fix this and use the CsoundVST python module?
