| Well, my understanding is that if you download
libsndfile sources and then build and install it,
you will get a libsndfile.dll (I think you should
./configure --enable-shared for this). I actually
built it with MSVC (I have been building csound5
with MSVC only). That is the library you need.
According to Michael gcc can link against it (MSVC
can't, it needs a libsndfile.lib link library).
The csound5 sconstruct will not build a libsndfile.dll,
will only use it. If you set dynamicCsoundLibrary=1
it will build a csound.dll or libcsound.so, instead of
csound.lib or
> Thanks Victor. I'm understanding now how to force msys
> and g++ to move down the tree, looking for libsndfile
> sources, by adding
> customLIBPATH.append('c:/more/dirs/here') to custom.py.
> But it's still not finding what it needs to make a .dll
> out of libsndfile. It ever only makes .a or static
> individual ones.
> I have the opt set to "1" for dynamic libraries in
> SConstruct, scons output doesn't show any missing headers
> , and I'm using a shell script to invoke the scons script
> from the bash shell (michael gave me) also with dynamic
> flags set, so I'm confused about why it can't make a
> .dll?
> Also confused about if the libsndfile.dll one makes
> building the libsndfile sources is the same as the target
> scons one in csound? Or is that a different one but just
> has the same name?
> --
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