| Hi everybody!
I´m getting the error "Segmentation Violation" when I run a simple Oscil in
the orc file, any idea of what can be happenning? Here is the message:
"Localisation of messages is disabled, using default language.
time resolution is 279.365 ns
Windows MME real time audio module for Csound by Istvan Varga
PortAudio real-time audio module for Csound
PortMIDI real time MIDI plugin for Csound
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 5.00.0 (double samples) Aug 27 2005
orchname: c:\arquiv~1\csound5\Work\Oscilador Simples 220Hz.orc
scorename: c:\arquiv~1\csound5\Work\Oscilador Simples 220Hz Score.sco
rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled ... using callback interface
rtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
orch compiler:
13 lines read
instr 1303
Csound tidy up: Segmentation violation"
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