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2005-12-19 15:25Victor Lazzarini cabel
2005-12-19 13:22Victor Lazzarini Csound 5 v. Csound 4.23
2005-12-19 12:51Istvan Varga [OT] cSounds.com forums and spam
2005-12-19 02:19"R. D. Davis" CsoundVST Segmentation Fault
2005-12-18 22:23Hector Centeno-Garcia Building CsoundVST from CVS and Lua flag error
2005-12-18 20:47schwaahed Python "csnd" module not found.
2005-12-18 18:01Charles Barry Groves Research guide/reference work for synthesizers?
2005-12-18 11:08WonSeok Choi [OT] Firefox csound mailling list search
2005-12-18 11:05WonSeok Choi Firefox csound mailling list search
2005-12-18 10:01Victor Lazzarini Linux Audio Conference
2005-12-18 09:43Victor Lazzarini Re: Csound5: lorisgen and Makefile.in
2005-12-17 23:48Victor Lazzarini Re: Csound5 and Loris Build Errors
2005-12-17 20:14"R. D. Davis" Csound5 and Loris Build Errors
2005-12-17 17:35Jean-Pierre Lemoine Last build and Java - feedback on a Java OpenGL frontend
2005-12-16 22:55"Robson Cozendey" Harmonically related?
2005-12-16 20:19Bruce McKinney Re: envlpx
2005-12-15 14:48Michael Gogins Re: [ANN] Cabel - a GUI for building opcode based csound instruments
2005-12-15 02:11"Michael Gogins" Re: [ANN] Cabel - a GUI for building opcode based csound instruments
2005-12-14 22:35Michael Gogins Re: [ANN] Cabel - a GUI for building opcode based csound instruments
2005-12-14 21:11Victor Lazzarini Re: [ANN] Cabel - a GUI for building opcode based csound instruments
2005-12-14 20:15Sebastian Gutsfeld [ANN] Cabel - a GUI for building opcode based csound instruments
2005-12-14 19:33Michael Gogins Re: Csound Output to Soundfonts
2005-12-14 16:57"Art Hunkins" 32-bit or 64-bit for real-time?
2005-12-14 16:53Michael Gogins Re: 32-bit or 64-bit for real-time?
2005-12-14 16:43"R. D. Davis" Csound Output to Soundfonts
2005-12-14 01:12"davemac (sent by Nabble.com)" Random Numbers
2005-12-13 23:01Istvan Varga [Cs-dev] New Csound5 release (Linux and Win32 binaries, sources, and HTML manual)
2005-12-13 16:24Wally Lepore Amended Re: [Csnd] simple Csound, was Re: [Csnd] [OT] Linux references at csounds.com
2005-12-13 16:17Wally Lepore Re: simple Csound, was Re: [Csnd] [OT] Linux references at csounds.com
2005-12-12 10:04Steven Yi envlpx
2005-12-12 06:59Steven Yi [announce] blue - 0.100.0
2005-12-12 04:03Steven Yi Keyboard - BT, Dr. B, Scanned Synthesis
2005-12-11 19:00"Kanata Motohashi" Re: where is the ACCCI located now ?
2005-12-11 18:41Wally Lepore Re: where is the ACCCI located now ?
2005-12-11 14:15Wally Lepore Re: [OT] Linux references at csounds.com
2005-12-11 13:07Dave Phillips [OT] Linux references at csounds.com
2005-12-11 13:01Dave Phillips where is the ACCCI located now ?
2005-12-10 17:16Wally Lepore Re: New Live-Perf Csound Articles and MIDIOx Utilities
2005-12-10 17:11Wally Lepore Re: Installaton
2005-12-10 03:02"Kanata Motohashi" Re: New Live-Perf Csound Articles and MIDIOx Utilities
2005-12-09 22:31"Art Hunkins" New Live-Perf Csound Articles and MIDIOx Utilities
2005-12-09 22:21Wally Lepore Re: New Live-Perf Csound Articles and MIDIOx Utilities
2005-12-09 15:28Flavio Tordini Csound syntax highlighting for Kate
2005-12-08 23:54-L command line option
2005-12-07 18:12Nicolas =?iso-8859-1?Q?Castagn=E9?= Global Variables reinitialisation - Yet Another Newb Question !
2005-12-07 15:52David Akbari Sounds Electric '05 Pictures
2005-12-07 07:19Radu Grigorovici Test - please ignore
2005-12-06 23:48"Evgeny Stankevich" Test
2005-12-06 22:24schwaahed Trying to understand Zak Patching System
2005-12-06 19:14Nicolas =?iso-8859-1?Q?Castagn=E9?= Noise generators