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Re: Updated Csound5 Windows installer

Date2006-01-12 22:57
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Updated Csound5 Windows installer
I also tried again with good results. Perhaps something else was ticking in the room on my first test; the sound was turned down fairly low. On the second test I turned it up more and heard no problems.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Oeyvind Brandtsegg 
>Sent: Jan 12, 2006 5:41 PM
>To: Michael Gogins 
>Cc: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: re: [Csnd] Updated Csound5 Windows installer
>just a report on the realtime audio situation with the latest Gogins RC2.
>It works well with Victor's portudio dll file,
>my reported dropouts was probably due to another process running simultaneously.
>Sorry about the erratic report on dropouts.