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Re: Updated Csound5.0rc2 Windows Installer

Date2006-01-15 19:47
From"Marc Demers"
SubjectRe: Updated Csound5.0rc2 Windows Installer
My previous message for Istvan should have been for you Michael.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Gogins" 
To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:45 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Updated Csound5.0rc2 Windows Installer

> I've once again updated the Csound5, release candidate 2, 64 bit samples,
> Windows installer on SourceForge. This can be found at:
>     http://sourceforge.net/projects/csound
> in the csound package, csound5.0rc2 release, csound-5rc2.exe file.
> Changes this time are to update the Csound and the manual with Istvan
Varga's latest contributions, updates, and fixes to the channel opcodes
> Mingwm10.dll is included, Victor Lazzarini's PortAudio is used (I think),
CSOUNDRC is set, Rawwaves are in place, csound.hpp is included, latest
libsndfile is used (pre6), the Python version is 2.4, all DLLs are stripped.
> Includes all opcodes of Istvan Varga zip plus Loris, vst4cs, FluidSynth,
> STK C++ opcodes, as well as tclcsound and csoundapi~.
> This installer needs more testing on the PortAudio performance, Loris
opcodes, Python opcodes, vst4cs opcodes, and csoundvst~ PD external. When
these tests are satisfactory, the manual is completely up to date, and there
are better examples, I will consider this installer suitable for general
> It would also be nice if somebody would improve the LISP CFFI binding in
interfaces/csound5.lisp, which works on a basic level as demonstrated in
interfaces/test.lisp, but needs to be improved with CLOS bindings and with
integration as a Common Music output stream. I will get around to this
eventually, but it would be nice if it happened sooner.
> Regards,
> Mike
> -- 
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