| Site not responding. Can you email this to me privately? Thanks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Lazzarini"
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Windows installer for Csound5.rc2
>I have done this in November when you pointed out how old the DLL was;
> I have a 10 Nov 2005 dll. Would that do? It's up in
> http://www.nuim.ie/academic/music/vlazzarini/tmp/portaudio.zip
> Victor
> At 15:58 09/01/2006, you wrote:
>>On Monday 09 January 2006 16:00, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>> > Is that because they are using different Portaudio DLLs? Depending on
>> > how
>> > the portaudio is built, it has different options of the three driver
>> > backends: MME, DirectX and ASIO.
>> > If you have two different portaudio DLLS, that's why. The should be
>> > interchangeable,so you can use whichever you want.
>> >
>> > I think the Windows release should have a portaudio DLL that supports
>> > everything but the
>> > kitchen sink.
>>I included the PortAudio DLL file from your MSVC release. The last
>>time I tried building a Win32 version of PortAudio with MinGW, it
>>only allowed to select one interface - having MME, DirectSound, and
>>ASIO in a single DLL is only possible when building with MSVC, unless
>>the PortAudio developers have fixed this since then.
>>As you have MSVC, you could build a DLL from recent PortAudio sources
>>(the one currently available has a date of something like Oct 2004,
>>so it is somewhat outdated) for use in the Windows installers.
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> Victor Lazzarini
> Music Technology Laboratory
> Music Department
> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
> --
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