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Re: ++SPAM++ Re: [Csnd] varga csound5 python opcodes

Date2005-10-13 17:56
FromJohn ffitch
SubjectRe: ++SPAM++ Re: [Csnd] varga csound5 python opcodes
I committed my first attempt at a binary installer earlier today.  Should 
work easily on Linux, and with a small change on OSX.  Windows,...well tht 
will need a little more work.


Date2005-10-13 18:03
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: ++SPAM++ Re: [Csnd] varga csound5 python opcodes

Let's hear it for installers too.

Art Hunkins

> As a musician I can say that the build process seems daunting enough as 
> it is to many of my colleagues and certainly there is not enough time 
> available in a day to try and hunt down and figure out why certain 
> things don't build with a given compiler or without certain 
> dependencies.
> I don't think a user should ever have to mess with these things just to 
> make music with Csound.
> -David

Date2005-10-13 18:05
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: ++SPAM++ Re: [Csnd] varga csound5 python opcodes
John ffitch wrote:

> I committed my first attempt at a binary installer earlier today.  Should 
> work easily on Linux, and with a small change on OSX.  Windows,...well tht 
> will need a little more work.

There is already a GUI installer for Windows by Michael Gogins, but
it seems to be written specifically for the CsoundVST releases on
SourceForge. However, it should be possible to make use of it with
some changes.

Date2005-10-13 18:15
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: ++SPAM++ Re: [Csnd] varga csound5 python opcodes
John ffitch wrote:

> I committed my first attempt at a binary installer earlier today.  Should 
> work easily on Linux

Would it make sense to have rpm and deb packages for Linux ?
Writing a binary installer in C from scratch seems like a lot
of work, especially if it takes into account all the possible
options, and handles any errors safely.