| Michael,
what you'll be doing is a great thing.
As far as CM is concerned., I reckon a big part of the path has already
been trodden by Rick Taube himself with his Lambda-GTK graphics
layer implementation (which he presented at the last ICMC). His
method for binding GTK to Common Lisp, I reckon, can be employed
for the csound library.
I would suggest you get in touch with him, if you have not already
done so.
all the best
At 09:10 11/10/2005, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>At 18:43 10/10/2005, you wrote:
>>I will undertake a Lisp or Scheme binding for Csound 5 so that the Csound
>>API can be called natively from Common Music.
>>Before I do this, I would like to know which version of Scheme or Lisp I
>>should target. I will be doing the development work on Windows and Linux.
>>Rick Taube's book comes with CLisp for Windows and this also can be used
>>on OS X and Linux, so I would guess this is the best target. CLisp runs
>>Common Music just fine on my PC.
>>I do not have time to maintain multiple bindings, so I need to know the
>>best compromise.
>>Unfortunately, the most mature SWIG facilities for Lisp are actually for
>>Guile and MzScheme (both Scheme). On my PC, Guile does not run and
>>building it requires many dependencies, which I can obtain if consensus
>>favors Guile over CLisp.
>>As part of this work, I will be moving the C++ form of the Csound API
>>from the CsoundVST project into the Csound API library proper, and also
>>moving the Python wrappers.
>>This will NOT introduce any additional dependencies in the Csound API
>>library build except for SWIG, and I can book in the generated wrapper
>>code so that even SWIG is not required for the normal build.
>>Please advise me which is the best version of Lisp or Scheme to use for
>>Common Music and the Csound API.
>>I would like to finish this work before Csound 5 achieves release status.
>>Send bugs reports to this list.
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>Victor Lazzarini
>Music Technology Laboratory
>Music Department
>National University of Ireland, Maynooth |