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Help on csound real time front end project?

Date2005-10-14 08:11
FromIain Duncan
SubjectHelp on csound real time front end project?
Wondering if anyone on hear is interested in working with me on my c/c++ 
front end for real time improvisation using csound5 as the audio engine. 
The concept in a nutshell is like a cross between say Doepfer step 
sequencers ( or Softwerk ) and Ableton live, except multi user and 
designed for speed and improvisation and a more musician oriented way of 
thinking. Proof of concept has been done and used on gigs, now it is 
time to do it properly in C/C++. I think my c/c++/fltk/midi/csound api 
chops are up to the point now of making a usable framework that will be 
useable for a serious sequencer, but I am definitely more of a designer 
then experieced coder, so it would be great to collaborate. if there is 
interest I can start a list and site for this. Feel free to contact me 
here or off list.
