| I think the use of timeout is problematic, also
use == for equal rather than =, which is assignment.
To use p6 to make the vibrato fixed or variable.
I would do the following thing
if (ivibr == 1) goto vibrato.non.variable
if (ivibr == 2) goto vibrato.variable
kvib = 1
goto instrument
kvib line 1, p3, 1.02
goto instrument ; not explicitly necessary
At 13:51 11/10/2005, you wrote:
>Hello to the list,
>As a beginner, i am writting because I have problems
>with an instrument.
>the main one is about pfield number 6.
>p6 = 1 or 2 does not have insidence on the vibrato,
>and I want p6=1 not to make an evolutive one ; when
>p6 = 2 to make one faster as the time grow. I could I
>do ?
>This instrument may have other problem but seems to
>work like that.
>PS : Excuse my english
>Here's the orchestra file :
>sr = 44100
>kr = 4410
>ksmps = 10
>nchnls = 1
>instr 1
>kamp = p4
>kfreq = p5
>ivibr = p6
>if (ivibr = 1) igoto vibrato.non.variable
>if (ivibr = 2) igoto vibrato.variable
>kvib line 1, p3, 1
>igoto suite.une
>timout 0, p3, instrument
>reinit vibrato.non.variable
>kvib line 1, p3, 1.02
>igoto suite.deux
>timout 0, p3, instrument
>reinit vibrato.variable
>kenv1 expseg 250, p3*0.8, p4, p3*0.2, 250
>kenv2 expseg 200, p3*0.7, p4, p3*0.3, 200
>kenv3 expseg 150, p3*0.6, p4, p3*0.4, 150
>kenv4 linen 25, p3*.2, p3, p3*.3
>asg1 buzz kenv1, p5, .5, 1
>asg2 buzz kenv2, p5*1.19, .5, 1
>asg3 buzz kenv1, p5*1.5, .5, 1
>asg4 buzz kenv2, p5*2, .5, 1
>asg5 buzz kenv3, (p5*1.01)*kvib, .5, 1
>asg6 buzz kenv3, (p5*1.2019)*kvib, .5, 1
>asg7 buzz kenv3, (p5*1.515)*kvib, .5, 1
>asg8 buzz kenv3, (p5*2.02)*kvib, .5, 1
>a1 = (asg1+asg2+asg3+asg4+asg5+asg6+asg7+asg8)*kenv4
>out a1
>Here's the score file:
>f 1 0 16384 10 1
>i 1 0 4 50 330 1
>i 1 4 2.66 50 277 1
>i 1 + 1.33 50 208 1
>i 1 + 1 50 185 1
>i 1 + 4 50 183 1
>i 1 + 8 50 138.6 2
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |