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csound5 and local tables

Date2005-10-08 06:56
FromIain Duncan
Subjectcsound5 and local tables
Can anyone tell me whether it is now possible to make tables local only 
to an instrument? Can this be done by making it a UDO? I am recoding my 
sequencer engine from csound4 code to use with the api and hunting for 
things I could do smarter this time. One obvious one seems to be to keep 
tables away from other parts of the code if possible so that user don't 
have to worry about my table numbers.


Date2005-10-08 10:28
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: csound5 and local tables
Iain Duncan wrote:

> Can anyone tell me whether it is now possible to make tables local only 
> to an instrument? Can this be done by making it a UDO? I am recoding my 
> sequencer engine from csound4 code to use with the api and hunting for 
> things I could do smarter this time. One obvious one seems to be to keep 
> tables away from other parts of the code if possible so that user don't 
> have to worry about my table numbers.

For creating a temporary table that is deleted at end of note, you can
use the ftgentmp opcode with an automatically assigned table number.
If the table should only be created once and not deleted, then this
example from Steven Yi may be worth looking at:

itableNum    chnget     "instr1_sineTable"
if (itableNum == 0) then
     itableNum    ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1
     chnset     itableNum, "instr1_sineTable"
     prints    "Created Sine Table %d for instrument 1\n", itableNum

Date2005-10-08 20:14
FromIain Duncan
SubjectRe: csound5 and local tables
> For creating a temporary table that is deleted at end of note, you can
> use the ftgentmp opcode with an automatically assigned table number.
> If the table should only be created once and not deleted, then this
> example from Steven Yi may be worth looking at:
> itableNum    chnget     "instr1_sineTable"
> if (itableNum == 0) then
>     itableNum    ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1
>     chnset     itableNum, "instr1_sineTable"
>     prints    "Created Sine Table %d for instrument 1\n", itableNum
> endif

Which version of the manual ( if any! ) include chnget and chnset? I can 
not find these opcodes in the manuals at csounds.com. Is there a more 
recent manual on sourceforge? Or Stevens site?


Date2005-10-08 21:39
Subject[Cs-dev] Re: [Csnd] csound5 and local tables
What opcodes are currently not described in the manual?  That is
another thing that needs to be done before release.
==John ffitch

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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2005-10-09 00:17
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: csound5 and local tables

Date2005-10-09 01:22
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectRe: csound5 and local tables
On Oct 8, 2005, at 7:17 PM, Steven Yi wrote:

> Sorry, I don't believe there is any manual entries for these yet.
> Istvan and I discussed the implementation quite a bit here on the list
> so it might be in the archives.


Any user could likely compile not only compile a complete Csound5 
manual with ALL undocumented opcodes but also make a nice API 
documentation/manual as well just from searching through the list 
archives! That's really the place to look for now, IMHO ... with 
Csound5 being officially unreleased and all ...
